
How To Calculate A Budget For Starting An Independent Life

How To Calculate A Budget For Starting An Independent Life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Young people often face the problem of leaving the parental nest. However, not everything is as complicated as it might seem at first glance. In addition to moral problems, there is also a financial burden that can seriously burden a young person

What Is An Active And Passive Account

What Is An Active And Passive Account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Each organization needs to keep a continuous record of the volume of business transactions and track their changes. The easiest way is to keep records using accounts. Composition and types of accounts Accounting accounts are simpler and less labor-consuming to carry out current accounting than, for example, a company's balance sheet

Maternity Capital: How And What To Cash It Out

Maternity Capital: How And What To Cash It Out

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

According to Russian law, after the birth of a second child, a woman can receive maternity capital. It is issued in the form of a certificate and is intended for targeted spending. However, it is possible to cash out part or all of the capital

How To Get A License To Install Meters

How To Get A License To Install Meters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

To install meters, you need a building license. In a broad sense, it is this document that means obtaining a certain permit for all the necessary types of construction, design and installation work. Instructions Step 1 Determine what types are required for construction activities in your firm

How To Calculate Childcare Allowance

How To Calculate Childcare Allowance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

There have been changes in the calculation and payment of benefits for the care of a child under one and a half years. Average earnings will be calculated based on the 24 months preceding parental leave. To calculate the average earnings, you must take all payments and benefits that were subject to insurance premiums

Minimum Child Allowances Up To 1.5 Years In

Minimum Child Allowances Up To 1.5 Years In

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Child allowances are paid for the period of being on leave to care for a child up to 1, 5 years old. In general, the amount of the benefit depends on the woman's earnings, but some categories of citizens are entitled to payments in a fixed minimum amount

What Determines The Size Of Maternity Payments

What Determines The Size Of Maternity Payments

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The birth of a child is always associated not only with great joy, but also with additional financial costs. But for some time after the birth of a child, a woman will not be able to work, and she has to rely only on maternity payments due to her

How To Calculate An Allowance Up To One And A Half Years

How To Calculate An Allowance Up To One And A Half Years

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Since 2011, the calculation of benefits for the care of a child up to one and a half years has been changed. Under the new rules, the allowance is calculated from the average earnings for 24 months. So far, women have been allowed to choose any two years to calculate

How To Calculate Working Capital

How To Calculate Working Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Working capital is called the set of circulation funds and production circulating assets, which are in constant motion. In this case, circulating assets are designed to serve not only the sphere of production, but also the sphere of circulation

How To Determine Working Capital

How To Determine Working Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Determining the optimal amount of working capital is a vital component for both the current and the new project. Determining the gross and net working capital is necessary for the development of a successful policy for the management of the company's operations

Difference Between Current And Non-current Assets

Difference Between Current And Non-current Assets

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Current (current) and non-current assets - two groups of assets of the organization, sections of the balance sheet. What is included in these concepts and how do they differ from each other? Concept and types of current assets Current assets are those that are used simultaneously when they are released into production

How To Learn Accounting

How To Learn Accounting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The services of a competent accountant have always been and will be in price. If you are starting your own small business, you may also need accounting knowledge, even if you plan on hiring a specialist. In addition, these kinds of skills can come in handy for doing your own home bookkeeping

How To Calculate Net Working Capital

How To Calculate Net Working Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Net working capital is the most important indicator of an enterprise's performance, necessary to determine its financial stability. The optimal amount of net working capital depends on the needs of each enterprise and the scale of activities, as well as on the period of turnover of accounts receivable, stocks, conditions for obtaining loans and borrowings

How To Determine The Amount Of Working Capital

How To Determine The Amount Of Working Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Working capital means those funds that have been invested in the current assets of the organization. This is a value expression of the elements of labor that take a direct part in the activities of production and completely redirect their own value to the cost of goods produced

New Formula For Calculating Pensions

New Formula For Calculating Pensions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Since 2002, a compulsory pension insurance system has been introduced in Russia. The future pension according to the new formula consists of insurance contributions that the employer must pay for his employee to the Pension Fund. How the pension is calculated Since 2014, employers have paid 22% of the employee's wage bill for the year

What Inflation Will Be In

What Inflation Will Be In

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Inflation in 2014 in Russia outpaced all the most pessimistic forecasts and reached double-digit levels. Forecasts for 2015 are still ambiguous and depend on a number of factors. What was the inflation rate in 2014 According to Rosstat, inflation in Russia in 2014 was 11

How Not To Be Left Without Money

How Not To Be Left Without Money

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

If, despite a good salary, you are often left penniless, you need to reconsider your attitude to money. Learn to manage your personal budget wisely, and then you will not only satisfy your needs, but you can also set aside some amount for the future

How To Pay For Light

How To Pay For Light

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The development of modern payment systems provides us with almost limitless possibilities in making one-time or regular payments. You can even pay for electricity, there are many opportunities for this. Instructions Step 1 First, you can come to the cashier of any management company, as a rule, geographically, they are located in the former housing maintenance offices and departments

What To Do With Money Before Default

What To Do With Money Before Default

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The whole world, and Russia is no exception, in recent years has been living in anticipation of economic shocks. Professional investors themselves are sometimes at a loss as to how best to act in a given situation. But if they are most often faced with the task of increasing money, ordinary citizens are worried about the only question - how to survive in an extreme situation of a fall in the national currency and what to do with money before default

How To Calculate Electricity Tariffs

How To Calculate Electricity Tariffs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Payments for housing and communal services have long become a sore subject of reality. It seemed that could be easier than paying the received utility bill? However, practice shows that without knowing the procedure for calculating the final figures in the invoice, you run the risk of paying a completely different amount for which you used the services

The Size Of Maternity Capital In

The Size Of Maternity Capital In

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The maternity capital program aimed at supporting the birth rate in Russia will continue in 2015. It has gained great popularity among Russians; more than 5 million families have already benefited from state support. The cost of certificates this year will be indexed in relation to 2014

How Not To Pay For A Radio Station

How Not To Pay For A Radio Station

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

You may not use a radio in the kitchen for years, but you still have to pay for it. Even if the socket for the receiver has long been pasted over with wallpaper, bills for a service that you do not use come regularly. In order not to pay for the radio, you will first have to run around "

How To Realize Maternity Capital

How To Realize Maternity Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Maternity capital is a sum of money that cannot be cashed out. This document is issued to every woman, citizen of the Russian Federation, after the birth of her second or subsequent children until 31.12.2016. The amount of maternity capital is indexed annually and in 2011 it is 365 thousand 700 rubles

What Are The Benefits Of Single Mothers?

What Are The Benefits Of Single Mothers?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Single-parent families are increasingly common in Russia. But most women who find themselves in a difficult situation do not know about the benefits they are entitled to by law. Single mother status According to the current legislation, a single mother is a woman who has given birth to (adopted) a child out of wedlock, if it has not been established who is his father

How To Pay For An Apartment In

How To Pay For An Apartment In

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The rent must be paid by the 10th day of each month. Those who do not pay their rent on time will be charged a penalty for each day of delay. The amount of the penalty is determined by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia

How To Distribute All Debts

How To Distribute All Debts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The presence of debt burdens life, as if a large load must be dragged along with you day after day. True, if you take an organized approach to the issue of distributing debts, you can speed up this process several times and, finally, be free from obligations

How To Reduce Utility Bills

How To Reduce Utility Bills

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

There are several ways to reduce utility bills. Depending on the situation, options are available such as obtaining a subsidy, discharging excess tenants from a privatized apartment, installing meters for cold and hot water and gas, and switching from central heating to autonomous

How To Calculate Your Living Wage In

How To Calculate Your Living Wage In

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Some people have no idea how much money it takes to live for a month or six months. This is due to the fact that expenses are chaotic, as needed and income appears. If you take control of the situation, you can streamline your spending and find extra money for what you have long dreamed of

How To Recalculate The Rent

How To Recalculate The Rent

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Persons who are temporarily absent from the place of residence, that is, those who do not use the services: gas, cold and hot water, electricity and sanitation, have the right to receive a recalculation of utilities. Such services are calculated according to consumption standards

How To Organize A Family Budget

How To Organize A Family Budget

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

For the first time, a person meets the concept of "family budget" in childhood. In the parental home, the baby learns the model of handling money. It can be reasonable savings, and "holding out" from paycheck to paycheck, and savings for the sake of savings themselves

How To Use A Maternity Certificate

How To Use A Maternity Certificate

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

A certificate for maternity capital is a measure of state support for families with a second child. This measure was introduced in 2007 and is planned to be applied until 2016. Currently, the amount of maternity capital funds is 365,700 rubles

How To Take Money For An Apartment Not On A Mortgage

How To Take Money For An Apartment Not On A Mortgage

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

The housing issue is a sore subject for Russian citizens. At the same time, some of them categorically refuse to apply for a mortgage, considering this action to be irrational and too expensive. It is necessary telephone, Internet access, passport and other documents provided at the request of the bank Instructions Step 1 Save up for an apartment

How To Save Money By Buying Groceries

How To Save Money By Buying Groceries

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Many women are thinking about how to save money on groceries. After all, this particular category of expenses is quite high. And the most offensive thing is that with the wrong approach, the products simply deteriorate in the refrigerator, are not used and are thrown away

How To Collect Child Support From Your Husband

How To Collect Child Support From Your Husband

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Parental divorce should not affect the living standards of children left with their mothers. This is ensured by the collection of alimony from the father, which for one child is a quarter of his official earnings, and for two - one third. You can collect alimony from your husband only after you apply to the court with the appropriate statement

The Fall Of The Ruble In Or How To Keep Money

The Fall Of The Ruble In Or How To Keep Money

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

In light of the events taking place in Russia in 2014, many residents of the country began to worry that a devaluation of the national currency could occur. Will the ruble fall, and how can you keep your money so as not to lose your savings?

How To Calculate Shipping Cost

How To Calculate Shipping Cost

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

When it becomes necessary to calculate the amount for the delivery of any cargo to a certain place, many begin to get lost. There is nothing complicated about it. It is only necessary to adhere to a certain plan of action. It is necessary access to the Internet calculator Notebook and pen scales (to determine the weight of the cargo) measuring tape or tape measure (to determine the size of the load) Instructions Step 1 Determine the distance

How To Get A Lump Sum At Birth

How To Get A Lump Sum At Birth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

One-time childbirth allowance is provided to one of the parents or to the person who replaces him. In this case, it is imperative to register the child with the registry office in the prescribed manner, and then apply for an allowance at the place of work or in the District Department of Social Protection of the Population (RUSZN)

How To Withdraw Money From Maternity Capital

How To Withdraw Money From Maternity Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

In pursuit of an increase in the birth rate, the state provides a tempting incentive - maternity capital. But in reality, mothers who want to take advantage of these finances are faced with a problem: the state clearly limits the list of reasons why you can cash out capital

How To Get Money From Your Parents

How To Get Money From Your Parents

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

Money is not the main thing in life, but sometimes you cannot do without it. Who else can you turn to in times of financial difficulty, if not your parents? These people who love you are unlikely to deny you help, will not rush to return your money, will not demand interest and, most likely, will not ask unnecessary questions

Are Levies In Schools Legal?

Are Levies In Schools Legal?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 12:01

With the onset of the new school year, parents of schoolchildren are anxiously awaiting school meetings. The phrase: "Hand over money for …" no longer surprises anyone. Are levies in schools legal? We understand the situations. It is not necessary to have legal knowledge to understand whether extortions are legal in schools