Where To Sell Handmade Postcards

Where To Sell Handmade Postcards
Where To Sell Handmade Postcards

The author of very beautiful handmade postcards often faces the problem of selling them. He may just be an amazing master, which, however, may not automatically make him a great marketer. How can you sell your crafts to such a person?

Where to sell handmade postcards
Where to sell handmade postcards

Real world sales

Try offering your work to bookstores and gift shops. It is especially easy to establish business relations here with private shops. If the store is large enough, then it is better to make offers not to the seller (usually this is a hired person who is not involved in the management of the company), but to the administrators.

In general, also, do not forget to tell your friends, acquaintances, and just outsiders about your hobby at every suitable occasion (just so that there is no unnecessary obsession on your part). So you will not only find people who want to buy your handmade postcard, but also just make new interesting acquaintances (in any case, you will have a great reason for this).

Sales in the virtual world

However, it is best to sell handmade postcards online. The development of computer technology is of great benefit to handicraftsmen. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can find a much larger audience of buyers than would be available to you only within the framework of your city and its environs.

Keep in mind, if you want to sell only to compatriots, you'd better use the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. If you want to interest foreigners, you can safely settle on the Facebook site.

The easiest way would be to use social media. VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. There you can create either your own author group, where you will exhibit only your own work, gradually inviting new people to the community, or use already promoted groups (this option is recommended, since thousands of groups have much more views per day than newly created ones.). Usually large groups of this nature allow in advance, in their rules, to create albums with the works of the authors and set a price for crafts, so that ordinary visitors can buy something from this that interests them.

In addition to social networks, you can also use special websites for handicraftsmen. Special attention here deserves the online store "Fair of Masters" - a site focused on the Russian-speaking audience, where every registered craftsman can sell his own work, no matter what category they belong to; so on this trading platform are presented cosmetics, clothing, bags, accessories, jewelry, various souvenirs, and of course handmade postcards.

Today the store has more than 1,200,000 works by various authors, and its daily attendance is about 200-300 thousand unique visitors. As the reader should understand, this is a very good platform for promoting the creativity of a handmade master.

Creation of a high-quality website and promotion will cost from 30,000 rubles. Hosting, support and advertising from time to time - from 1000 rubles per month. Therefore, if making postcards is not a business, it is not profitable to keep your website.

A site called Lucky Toys is also similar in purpose. Although this site has less traffic, but for promotion it is also quite useful, with its help you can also sell a lot of your work.

Separately, it should be noted that if you do not have too many handicrafts, it is not recommended to create your own website. The cost of developing, promoting and maintaining it is unlikely to pay off. It is also unlikely to have many visitors.
