In case of early termination of the insurance contract, part of the premium for the period remaining until the end of the policy is subject to return to the policyholder. To receive money, you must meet a number of conditions and do not be surprised that the amount may differ significantly from the one you expected.

Step 1
Study the insurance rules, the company was obliged to provide them to you (and familiarize with them) before signing the policy. Pay special attention to the section "Procedure for termination or termination of the contract", as a rule, this paragraph is in the second half of the text. If the rules have not been preserved on paper, visit the website of your insurance company, these documents can be posted in the appropriate section.
Step 2
Please note in which case the insurance contract is terminated and in what time frame it is necessary to notify the insurer about it. An example of such a situation is the sale of a car that was insured six months ago, or the inability to travel abroad due to, for example, illness, although an insurance policy for those traveling abroad has already been issued.
Step 3
Call your insurance company. Explain the situation, ask to send an application form for termination of the contract by e-mail. Ask the employee to calculate the unspent insurance premium.
Step 4
Fill out the application in the prescribed form, if one has not been sent to you, write it in free form. It is not necessary to indicate the reasons that prompted you to end your relationship with the insurance company. Write in the application how you want to receive the funds - in cash at the cash desk or by bank transfer to your personal account.
Step 5
Keep in mind that the so-called spent insurance premium is not directly proportional to the duration of the contract. That is, if the policy was concluded six months ago, then the insurance organization retains more than half of the funds. This is due to the costs of doing business, servicing the contract, and the load on the tariff. It is impossible to argue with this calculation, it is spelled out in the accompanying documentation to the insurance rules, and sometimes in them.
Step 6
Visit the office of the insurance company, provide the employee with the completed application and receive the money. Or wait for the money transfer. Most insurance rules set the return period for unused insurance premiums in the amount of 10-14 business days.