How To Get A Loan Without Problems

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How To Get A Loan Without Problems
How To Get A Loan Without Problems

Video: How To Get A Loan Without Problems

Video: How To Get A Loan Without Problems

The townsfolk are too frivolous about getting a loan. When choosing a loan product, they are only interested in how quickly and how much money they will receive, and what they can buy for themselves. When the time comes to pay off the bank, problems begin … To get a loan without problems, you should follow simple rules.

How to get a loan without problems
How to get a loan without problems


Step 1

Think carefully: do you need this loan. Then think even better: will you be able to pay off the bank in the event of a crisis, job loss, financial problems, etc. Most of the problems with the loan repayment are associated with the onset of financial turmoil. Think over backup methods of how to pay off the bank, even if the loan is more expensive.

Step 2

Be careful when choosing a bank. Go online and read customer reviews about banks, consider their loan products. Compare different loans from different banks and choose the best one at least at first glance. When choosing a bank, keep in mind that it should be close to your home / work or to make it easy to get to it. Write down the bank's work schedule.

Step 3

Do not use third-party post office or ATM services to pay monthly fees. First, you are overpaying. Secondly, the payment may be delayed or lost, and the bank is not interested in the problems of third parties.

Step 4

Read the loan agreement carefully. It is advisable to read it several times for a better understanding and memorization of all the nuances. Get the loan officer to explain everything down to the comma. The best thing is to discuss this agreement with a lawyer you know. Read all documents referenced by the loan agreement. Read the laws first. Be sure to find out how the bank works with those who have stopped paying money. Regardless of the reasons for non-payment. Try to find out the actions of the bank beyond those specified in the contract.

Step 5

Keep your documents with care and never lose: the loan agreement, all attachments to it, payment receipts, etc. Do not take out a loan in foreign currency. Do not think that the ruble will always be solid. In addition, it takes time to exchange currency too. Do not write your boss's phone number in your contacts. In this case, problems with the bank can also turn into problems at work if they start calling the boss.

Step 6

When repaying a loan early, check with your loan officer to see if this will result in an overpayment (hidden early repayment penalty). Be sure to write an application for closing a credit account and after a certain time come for a document certifying this. If your passport details or phone number have changed during the loan, notify the bank in a timely manner.

Step 7

Remember the last payment. It can differ from the usual one both upward and downward. If you have a credit card or a revolving loan, do not hesitate to call the bank more often (or better come to the branch) to find out how much and when to pay.

Step 8

The main rule - always have in your stash the amount of the monthly payment, multiplied by two. For a mortgage loan, multiplied by six. This will save 95% of the problems.