To obtain a car loan, you do not always need to have the funds to pay the down payment. You should find a suitable bank, collect documents and choose any car.

Step 1
Find a bank that offers car loans without a down payment. Ask the managers what payment terms they offer, calculate the final amount on a loan calculator based on your monthly income, draw up a preliminary payment schedule. Take the printout home and study in more detail.
Step 2
Please note that the interest rates on car loans offered by the bank are often high. The monthly commissions for using the loan have also been increased, as a result, the overpayment will be a large amount.
Step 3
Check if the bank's requirements are right for you. You must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, have continuous work experience - 6 months, be able to pay loan installments for at least five years. A loan can only be obtained by men and women who, at the time of contacting the bank, are under 60 and 55 years old, respectively. These are general conditions typical for many credit institutions, differences are in the average annual rates of repayment and documentation.
Step 4
Look in your passport, you should have a permanent registration. Contact the employer, get a photocopy of the work book, certified by the signature and seal of the manager. Each bank may vary the age threshold and other characteristics of the borrower. Make calculations, your salary or total family income should be such that monthly payments are no more than 40% of the amount. Contact the accounting department, take a certificate on the 2-NDFL form, indicate the amount of income for the last 6 months.
Step 5
Submit your tax return to the bank if you are a sole proprietor. If you have other sources of income, in addition to your main job, as an option, you rent out an apartment - you must also confirm income. Co-borrowers must provide the bank with the same documents as you did for review.
Step 6
Specify in advance what interest rates are in the bank of your choice, the amount can vary from 10, 5 to 14% per annum. So, the longer the payout period, the higher the rate, and vice versa. Calculate in which currency it is more profitable for you to receive a loan - in rubles, US dollars or euros.
Step 7
Car loans are issued without an initial loan in such banks as: Rosbank, Raiffeisenbank, Bank of Moscow, etc. You will have to pay for the maintenance of the loan account, which is an additional expense. The car itself will have to be mortgaged with a credit institution. If the terms of the contract are violated by you, the vehicle will be legally confiscated.