Lukashenko Canceled Tax On Parasitism In Belarus

Lukashenko Canceled Tax On Parasitism In Belarus
Lukashenko Canceled Tax On Parasitism In Belarus

Until recently, there was a tax on parasitism in Belarus, that is, a monetary recovery from able-bodied citizens who, for some reason, do not work. But on January 25, 2018, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko canceled this tax.

Lukashenko canceled tax on parasitism in Belarus
Lukashenko canceled tax on parasitism in Belarus

Decree No. 1 dated January 25, 2018

On January 25, 2018, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree No. 1 on measures to promote employment of the population.

One of the points of this decree spoke about the abolition of the so-called tax on parasitism, which existed in Belarus for the last ten years. In addition, people who previously paid this tax are now exempt from it.

Other measures of influence on parasites

But this does not mean that able-bodied non-working citizens of Belarus can now live in peace. Decree No. 1 of January 25, 2018 provides for other measures of influence on the so-called parasites. From January 1, 2019, non-working citizens of Belarus recognized as able-bodied will fully pay for those services for which other citizens are entitled to subsidies from the state. The list of these services was instructed to establish the Government of Belarus.

It should be noted that Commissions will be created to promote employment, and they will be able for a certain time to exempt able-bodied non-working citizens from paying for services in full if these citizens have a difficult life situation.

Also, the Government of Belarus will adopt several resolutions, which will determine the procedure for classifying citizens as unemployed in the economy, that is, as parasites.

Also, measures of influence on parasites leading an asocial lifestyle will be determined. The state also instructed the tax authorities to more actively identify hidden incomes of citizens and subject them to taxation.

Measures to combat unemployment

The decree also established measures to combat unemployment. The government of Belarus has been instructed to study the population of the country, identify areas with a tense situation on the labor market and draw up a list of them. Also, the Government is instructed to assess how well the services are provided in these regions to promote employment of the population. President Lukashenko has entrusted the Government of Belarus with the task of predicting how much it is possible to improve the employment of the population in the current conditions and the proposed measures.

The implementation of measures to combat unemployment is entrusted mainly to the local authorities of Belarus. They will create Commissions, which will include deputies, representatives of local government bodies and public associations. The commissions will help citizens find jobs. Also, these organizations will identify people leading a marginal lifestyle, carry out explanatory work with them in order to return them to society and find jobs. In addition, the Councils of Deputies will allocate additional funds to activities aimed at combating unemployment in regions with a tense situation on the labor market.
