You probably remember how widespread rental shops were in Soviet times. You could rent a lot - from TVs to furniture, many people found it convenient. In our time, the level of income has increased slightly and basically everything can be bought. As a last resort, bulky and expensive things can be bought on credit. But still, rental points still exist today. You can rent discs with films, commercials, a bicycle, a carnival costume, a wedding dress or even a car.

Step 1
So, you have a business idea - to open a rental office. Need to think about what exactly you can offer people for rent? In fact, there are not very many such items, but still they are.
Step 2
For example, you can rent construction tools. Since they are usually far from being used often, buying tools for one-time use is sometimes impractical. Not only builders will turn to you for construction tools, but also individuals who are going to make repairs in the house.
Step 3
It is also not a bad idea to rent children's things - for example, playpens, strollers, cribs. Children grow up quickly, so it is much cheaper to take children's clothes at the rental point than to buy them for a short time.
Step 4
Another option is to rent suitcases. Moving, business trips, travel - all this happens in the lives of many people. But what to do if a person travels somewhere very rarely and does not want to spend extra money on a suitcase, which will then stand in the closet or gather dust on the mezzanine? In such a situation, your rental office will come to the rescue.
Step 5
If you have already decided on the things that you will rent out, have decided to open a rental point for various things, then you must first of all rent a room for their storage. In addition, you will need to invest in the purchase of rental items directly. If you want to open a rental shop via the Internet, then you should create your own website and think over the Internet promotion of your business.
Step 6
Think over the prices for your services, you can indicate the price in various advertisements. If prices, service levels, quality and choice of items meet the needs of your customers, then your rental will bring even more profit, and then you will need to expand your range.
Step 7
It is especially important to draw up a contract correctly, which will clearly indicate the measures of responsibility for the damaged thing. The collateral value of things, part of which must be returned after the delivery of rental items, must be charged without fail.
Step 8
It is worth noting an important advantage of this business idea: very low competition, as well as the ability to predict the demand for a particular type of rental item.