How To Open A Taxi Dispatch Office

How To Open A Taxi Dispatch Office
How To Open A Taxi Dispatch Office

Table of contents:


The first thing that anyone deciding to create their own taxi service should remember is that the market they intend to enter is saturated to the limit. Moreover, its main competitors will not be the taxis of other similar companies, but the mass of illegal private traders literally flooding the cities. However, if you know the market mechanisms well enough, why not try to open your own taxi dispatch office?

How to open a taxi dispatch office
How to open a taxi dispatch office

It is necessary

  • - Memorable name,
  • - "Expressive" phone number,
  • - Office equipped with a multichannel telephone and radio station.
  • - 4-6 shift dispatchers in the staff,
  • - Agreements with taxi drivers-individual entrepreneurs.
  • - A package of constituent documents and a state license for the right to carry passengers.


Step 1

Come up with a catchy title. See what your predecessors called their firms and invent something new and memorable. If the name of the taxi service does not stick into the memory of customers, then even if they want to use your services a second time, they may not succeed. The same applies to the telephone number of your service - for numbers consisting of one or two repeating digits, "taxi drivers" lay out round sums.

Step 2

Rent and equip an office, control room for your city taxi service. Almost all you need is a well-functioning communication system. Dispatchers will take orders by landline phone, and communicate with taxi drivers using mobile or radio communications (usually the latter). The phone in the taxi service must be multi-channel, otherwise every customer who does not get through will go to competitors. On average, the process of transporting passengers in such a company is controlled by 2-3 shift dispatchers working on a salary.

Step 3

Start searching for drivers with their cars, registered as sole proprietors. These are the people who can work in your company, while companies that have their own fleet of companies take taxi drivers into the state. You will only conclude a service agreement with "private traders", giving them about a quarter of the order value.

Step 4

Take care of the formal side of the matter - the carriage of passengers as a type of activity is subject to compulsory licensing. To work with taxi drivers-entrepreneurs, you must have the status of a legal entity. Once licensed, plan and run an advertising campaign.
