Typically 10 Percent Can Make You Richer

Typically 10 Percent Can Make You Richer
Typically 10 Percent Can Make You Richer

Many people have to constantly face the problem of lack of money. And often this is not related to the size of the income coming to the family, there is not enough money all the time. This is a consequence of the inability to wisely spend your finances. Many are not accustomed to keeping track of expenses and prefer to take out debt and credit instead of trying to save and save. If all of this is familiar to you, you can try introducing the 10 percent rule in the family.

The 10 percent rule
The 10 percent rule

This is a very simple rule, according to which you need to set aside 10 percent of all income that goes into the family budget. From salaries, benefits, bonuses, cash gifts, you just need to take and set aside a tenth as if it does not exist at all. The upcoming expenses should be calculated only on the basis of the remaining share. Such a strategy will give a guaranteed positive result in a few months.

What will you notice after you start using this rule?

1. You will begin to be more thoughtful and attentive to your expenses, trying not to waste money in vain.

2. There will be some kind of warming stock of cash. This will save you from unpleasant thoughts about unexpected expenses, the need to borrow money from friends before the paycheck, because now you can always borrow from yourself. At the same time, one must not forget to return the debt to the place next month.

3. You can not keep the saved money under the mattress, but put it in the bank at interest. Then your stock will not only grow, but will be able to bring, albeit small, but still profit. Most importantly, do not forget that each thousand rubles invested today can grow to five hundred thousand in ten years.

4. You will gain growing self-confidence, a desire to make plans for the future and believe in their fulfillment.

Ten percent is the minimum figure that anyone can postpone without much harm to the budget. If you are confident in your abilities, you can set a higher bar for yourself - 15 or 20 percent, the choice of the set aside share depends solely on your desire and ability to deny yourself the little things.

What can you spend the accumulated money on? Of course, you can buy yourself an expensive fur coat that is so desired and inaccessible to you for many years, or a TV with a huge screen, or jewelry. In this case, be prepared to face the fact that so long and carefully saved money disappeared quickly and irrevocably. The best and smartest option would be if you invest in any business that can bring you regularly, albeit small, but stable income.
