How Many Credit Cards Can You Have

How Many Credit Cards Can You Have
How Many Credit Cards Can You Have

Many Russians have already appreciated the convenience of cashless payments using bank plastic cards. The bulk of large enterprises have long been transferring wages to their employees on their debit cards. But it is no less convenient to have a credit card, since almost all of them have a grace period for crediting, which will allow borrowing non-cash funds for a short period without any interest.

How many credit cards can you have
How many credit cards can you have

Credit Cards: How Many There Can Be

You can get a credit card from many banks completely free of charge and without even leaving your home - just fill out an application on the website of such a bank, fill out a short questionnaire and then activate it in accordance with the instructions enclosed in the envelope with the card. The simplicity of obtaining and processing is so tempting that many open several credit cards and, accordingly, pay money for their service.

In theory, there is no limit to the number of credit cards issued in your name. Moreover, there is an objective need to have several cards serviced in different payment systems, for example: MasterCard and Visa. But you should know that with the current level of development of computer technology, all information about your credit cards immediately goes to the general databank, the so-called Bureau of Credit Histories (BCH), where the aggregate credit limit on them is recorded.

Reducing the number of bank credit cards is simply necessary if you are a person prone to spontaneous impulses and do not know how to control your purchases.

Regardless of whether you use the loans provided by these cards or not, BKI automatically considers that at least 10% of the total amount of the credit limit is spent on servicing it. This means that when applying for a bank loan, you may be rejected, since the system will include this 10% in the amount of your monthly compulsory spending.

Currently, many banks are introducing combined bank cards, when within one payment system it is possible to transfer money from card to card through an ATM.

How many credit cards are needed

It is enough to have one credit card in each payment system to be sure that you can easily withdraw the required amount anywhere in the country and abroad. In addition, you can always link an additional card to an existing credit card for a small fee or free of charge, which you can use yourself or give it to your loved ones, including adult children. The additional card will have its own credit limit, which the person using it will not be able to exceed under no circumstances. In addition, information about transactions and the balance on the main card will also be unavailable to him. You can always find out how much was spent on this additional card using account statements.
