How To View The Exchange Rate Of The Central Bank

How To View The Exchange Rate Of The Central Bank
How To View The Exchange Rate Of The Central Bank

Table of contents:


The Central Bank of the Russian Federation updates the exchange rate of four dozen foreign currencies every business day, i.e. sets their price in Russian rubles. The ratios published by this organization are used by financial and trading companies as a basic indicator for foreign exchange settlements with each other and with individuals.

How to view the exchange rate of the Central Bank
How to view the exchange rate of the Central Bank


Step 1

Use traditional media - television, radio, newspapers. The rates of the major currencies set by the Central Bank - the US dollar and the euro - can be found on the news programs of public television channels and radio stations. For example, on the RBC TV channel, it is not necessary to wait for the next news release for this - the current course can be read in the always-on creeping line. Most of the daily newspapers also publish the ratios of the major currencies to the ruble set by the Central Bank.

Step 2

Another source of information about the current dollar and euro rates in Russia is information portals in the Russian-speaking Internet zone. Go, for example, to the main page of - in the right column you will find the buying and selling rates of the two major currencies. To find out similar information about three dozen monetary units of other countries, click on the link "Currency rates". The new page will contain not only a table showing the current rate and its changes in percent and rubles, but also several tools that may be useful - below the table there is an average rate calculator for an arbitrary period and a currency converter.

Step 3

The Central Bank of Russia has its own website where information on changes in financial instruments, including exchange rates, is promptly posted. A link to its home page is provided below - by clicking on it, you will find the current ruble prices of the US dollar and euro in the top line of the left column. To go to the table with a complete list of current courses, click on the link with the date of the last change.

Step 4

On the website of the Central Bank, you can also find out the courses that have been in effect on any day since July 1992 - a direct link to the corresponding page is given below. In the drop-down lists in the left column of this page, set the desired year and month, then in the calendar below, click on the day you are interested in. Site scripts will extract information about the rates of the entire list of currencies from the database and present it in table format.
