Curtains are one of the most important decorative elements. Today there is even a separate trend in fashion dedicated to them. Therefore, if you love sewing and want to turn your hobby into a profitable business, you should consider opening your own curtain sewing atelier.

Step 1
To open your own atelier, you will need premises, equipment, advertising and initial capital. When choosing a room for a studio, there are several points to consider. Its area should be approximately 10 square meters. Location with good advertising does not play a special role, but it is still best to rent a room closer to the city center. The rented space can be a simple apartment that you can visually decorate with your work.
Step 2
In addition to the necessary sewing equipment, it is advisable to purchase a printer and a computer with a special program that will help you choose the curtains depending on the client's requests. When buying a technical base, do not save. Approximately you will spend about 40-45 thousand rubles on it. If you want to work on order, there is no need to purchase material in advance. But first, make a catalog of fabric samples from which your customer can choose the option he likes. It is also necessary to have on hand scissors, needles, centimeters and rulers and other tools necessary for sewing.
Step 3
In addition, be sure to establish contacts with reliable suppliers of fabrics. Suppliers must have an excellent reputation because the quality of the material affects the quality of your work. It is more profitable to buy fittings and accessories for sewing at wholesale and retail warehouses.
Step 4
Taking into account that advertising is the engine of trade, it is also undesirable to save on it. First, install a bright display case with an original sign. Showcase can attract attention with various curtain accessories, stained glass curtains and curtains of your production. Then distribute flyers in specialty stores and design studios, advertise on the Internet and free advertising publishers. You can also create your own website or online store. To attract as many customers as possible, consider a discount system or prepare gifts.
Step 5
As for the initial capital, for opening your own atelier, it can be from 150 thousand rubles. This amount will include the rental of premises for 3 months, registration of an individual entrepreneur, the purchase of technical equipment and advertising costs. Please note that the client pays for the material first, and he pays the final amount upon receipt of the finished product. Measurements at home are not paid, except for a design project. On average, a 30% mark-up is made for one product, but the urgency and complexity of the order increase the cost. You can recoup your costs and earn good money within a year after opening your atelier.