By law, any business must be registered. But for registration it is not necessary to create a legal entity. A small business, for example, an atelier, can be registered as an individual entrepreneur. In whatever form you decide to register an atelier, you will need to collect certain packages of documents for submission to the tax office.

Step 1
If you decide to create an atelier, then you probably already thought about the form in which it is better to register it. Atelier is a small business, and you don't need a legal entity for it, especially if you create it alone, without partners. On the other hand, an individual entrepreneur bears more serious responsibility than a legal entity.
Step 2
Responsibility is the main difference between a legal entity (LLC) and an individual entrepreneur (IE). An individual entrepreneur is responsible before the law with all his property (namely personal, i.e., including a house, car, etc.). An LLC is responsible only for its share in the authorized capital, although in case of bankruptcy, in the event of insufficient property, the LLC may be assigned subsidiary liability for its obligations.
Step 3
The registration of an atelier in the form of an LLC is as follows: you collect the package of documents listed below, pay the state duty, which is currently 4000 rubles, and submit the package of documents and a receipt for payment of the state duty to the tax office (in Moscow, this is the tax office number 46). On average, registration takes a week. The following documents are required for her:
1. Application for registration, notarized (can be downloaded here
2. Documents for founders, manager and chief accountant;
3. Receipt of payment of state duty;
4. Decision to establish LLC;
5. Charter of LLC;
6. Agreement on the establishment of LLC.
The last three documents must be notarized. The authorized capital of the LLC is currently 10,000 rubles. It must be deposited into a bank account specially opened for the LLC. It is also necessary to order the seal of the LLC.
Step 4
To register as an individual entrepreneur, you must contact the tax office at the place of registration and provide:
1. Application for state registration, notarized (you can download it here
2. Copies of personal documents certified by a notary;
3. Receipt for payment of the state fee (800 rubles).
It is not necessary to make an IP seal, but it is usually needed.
Step 5
Your atelier can start working from the moment of state registration of an LLC or you as an individual entrepreneur. Thus, on the date of state registration, the atelier can be considered legally formalized.