How To Get A Loan If You Have A Bad Credit History

How To Get A Loan If You Have A Bad Credit History
How To Get A Loan If You Have A Bad Credit History

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The All-Russian Bureau of Credit Histories contains information about every client who has ever taken out bank loans. A bad story is a significant reason for refusing to receive a new loan, but not everything is so bad, since any bank considers the submitted application on an individual basis and minor technical delays that arose earlier for a good reason do not always affect the adoption of a positive decision.

How to get a loan if you have a bad credit history
How to get a loan if you have a bad credit history

It is necessary

a package of documents for a loan


Step 1

If you have previously used a loan and you had delays in payments, but you paid them off as soon as you received information from the bank, you can safely apply for a new loan.

Step 2

The main criterion that the bank is guided by when making a decision is your solvency and the return of all received amounts taken earlier. To confirm your solvency, you will be asked to present a certificate of income of the 2-NDFL form. If the main part of the salary is issued in an envelope, you may be offered an alternative option and presented with a statement of income in the form of a bank. Also, in order to receive a new loan, you must obtain a certificate from the company about the length of service.

Step 3

Banks willingly provide loans to citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65, who have permanent registration, permanent work and stable income. An important factor for making a positive decision on the issuance of a loan is the presence of valuable property and the absence of minor dependents.

Step 4

A bad credit history is considered only if there were no technical delays, the period of which did not exceed 35 days, but there was an experience of complete non-repayment of the loan received. The security service will check all information received from you. If it turns out that it is false or the loan you took from other banks has not been returned, this will be a significant reason to refuse you.

Step 5

In other cases, you will most likely be given a loan, but at the same time they may request other certificates or documents, as well as have solvent guarantors, if you apply for a sufficiently large loan amount, and the previous credit history was thoroughly damaged.

Step 6

When applying for a large loan amount, instead of guarantors, you can pledge valuable property. This will be a guarantee that you will receive a loan, since securing financial obligations is a guarantee of loan repayment.
