The birth of a child is always associated not only with great joy, but also with additional financial costs. But for some time after the birth of a child, a woman will not be able to work, and she has to rely only on maternity payments due to her. Their size depends on a number of factors.

Step 1
In most cases, the amount of maternity benefits depends on the woman's income level and her insurance record. For some women, it is determined on the basis of the minimum wage established in the country. The region of residence of the expectant mother also plays a role.
Step 2
According to the new rules, when calculating maternity leave, the woman's salary for the previous two years is taken into account. So, if a woman goes on maternity leave in 2014, then her income for 2012-2013 is taken into account. This is disadvantageous for women who have increased income during 2014, because it will not be taken into account, even if the woman goes on maternity leave at the end of December.
Step 3
Maternity benefits are determined on the basis of average daily earnings, which is calculated as the ratio of total earnings for two years to the number of calendar days (730) minus days that are not taken into account in the calculations (sick leave and parental leave).
If, in the calculations, the average daily earnings of a woman turned out to be more than 1,479.45 rubles, then it is necessary to make further calculations based on this value.
Step 4
It is important to note that the calculation is carried out only on the basis of official income. If you receive a salary or part of it in an envelope, it will not be counted. At the same time, the state introduced the maximum amount of earnings, which can be taken into account in the calculations. For 2012 it is 512 thousand rubles, for 2013 - 568 thousand rubles.
Step 5
The size of maternity benefits is also influenced by the characteristics of pregnancy, the number of days for which leave is granted depends on it. With a normal pregnancy, it is 140 days, with a complicated one - 156 days, with a multiple - 194 days. The number of vacation days prescribed by law is multiplied by the average daily earnings and the amount of maternity pay is obtained. Accordingly, the more vacation days, the more maternity leave.
Step 6
But in some cases, the algorithm for calculating maternity payments changes. This is relevant for individual entrepreneurs, employees of budgetary organizations, full-time students. In this case, the factor that affects the size of maternity payments is the size of the minimum wage. It is the same for the entire territory of Russia and amounts to 5,554 rubles, but in some regions adjustment coefficients have been established. Such women calculate maternity wages as follows: average daily earnings based on the minimum wage * minimum wage coefficient * number of vacation days. According to the current level of the minimum wage, the average daily wage is 182.6 rubles.