Why Did The Russians Carry Their Last Money Into Financial Pyramids?

Why Did The Russians Carry Their Last Money Into Financial Pyramids?
Why Did The Russians Carry Their Last Money Into Financial Pyramids?

A pyramid scheme is a risky investment. And nevertheless, the population of our country continues to invest in this adventure with varying success.

Why did the Russians carry their last money into financial pyramids?
Why did the Russians carry their last money into financial pyramids?

The first financial pyramids appeared in Russia in the nineties of the twentieth century. The population of the country, recently freed from the planned economy and having tasted the charm of private property, happily responded to the call to invest in a new business. Unfortunately, the consequences of such frivolous handling of finances for most people have been dire. Many have lost most of their property. The reasons why many people have been embroiled in this adventure are varied.

Lust for profit

In the Soviet Union, people had practically nothing of their own, everything belonged to the state. However, it is human nature to dream of wealth. Many Soviet citizens called it "living like a human being." In pursuit of a good life, people forgot about caution. It seemed to them that the whole world of money now lies at their feet, and they just need to reach out. This was facilitated by obsessive advertising on television. Unfortunately, in reality, everything turned out to be much more complicated.

The herd feeling

Since the time of serfdom, Russia has become accustomed to living in a community. The Soviet era reinforced this habit even more with the help of collectivization and equalization of all citizens in many areas of life. Therefore, people are used to doing everything together. And when the bulk of people rushed to invest in financial pyramids, the rest did the same. This, probably, was the calculation of the creators of the pyramids.


Casinos in Russia have not yet been widespread. The gamblers had no scope for activity. And here is such an opportunity to show your intuition in all its glory! However, few of the depositors understood the essence of financial pyramids, so not all were subject to excitement.

Financial illiteracy and belief in the state

The majority of the population did not understand the essence of financial pyramids at all. People simply believed the ad and its calls to take the money and vouchers somewhere. Out of habit, they thought that everything was state, and the state simply would not dare to deceive them. The population was unaware that the country had changed, and now everyone is responsible for himself. For many, pyramid schemes were the first lesson in financial literacy. And the one who perfectly learned the lesson, subsequently settled well in the new realities.

Example of acquaintances

Often, well-known and reputable people urged their friends to invest in financial pyramids. Perhaps they really believed in the success of this venture. Many of these authorities themselves have lost property as a result of the collapse of the financial pyramid. But disappearing with a friend is not so scary and insulting.
