If you are faced with the obvious need to use a container on any type of river or sea vessel, you need to carefully read the basic rules, on the basis of which any such kind of transportation is carried out as a result and formal container lease agreements are drawn up.

Before renting a container on a ship, the owner of the cargo must conclude a contract of carriage. As a rule, a freight forwarder or carrier provides a twenty or 40-foot container or refrigerator for perishable goods requiring a special temperature regime. In the case of transportation of bulk and liquid substances by water transport, it is also possible to use special tanks and so-called platform containers.
If we are talking about the movement of hazardous substances, it must be remembered that the selected carrier must fully meet all the requirements of safety measures and have permits for a variety of work associated with loading and unloading.
Loading and unloading
According to the current rules of such a lease, empty containers are delivered to the sender's warehouse for the purpose of self-loading the provided object with its contents. The filled container is delivered to the port and placed on the ship, with which a transportation contract was previously concluded.
Upon arrival, the container is transported to the consignee specified in the documents, who empties it on his own, after which it is delivered empty to the port, where it is reloaded to its usual place.
Requirements for the tenant
The main requirements for the renter are the rules for the correct filling of the container: the existing weights should be distributed evenly, concentrating on the center of the floor, while heavy weights must be placed below the light ones, and the free space is filled with cushioning materials.
The container must not be overloaded and must contain special symbols and stickers about the hazard of the transported cargo and other necessary information. The container is locked with a special seal. Together with the cargo, the lessor is provided with a packing list with a full specification of available places, a plan for the location of the cargo and an invoice. The landlord or his authorized representative has the right to check compliance with the standards at any time. At the same time, they are forbidden to inspect the cargo, and even more so to open the seals.
Dangerous goods
In cases of transportation of dangerous goods, a special certificate is additionally presented, on the basis of which the location of the rented container on the ship is planned. The carrier draws up a bill of lading necessary in this case, which indicates the mass, type of cargo transported, reflects the impressions of the fastening seals. Attached to the contract and certified copies of permits.
The cost of such a service will vary depending on the carrier's base rates and discounts or surcharges imposed on them, including pre-pledged repair funds, return shipping of an empty container, and various penalties for excess equipment use.