Some people would like to know how the media make money. It's not a secret. Typically, the media generate income from the sale of subscriptions or advertising.

Sources of income
Advertisers - they pay sites to place their ads and attract visitors to resources.
Readers. These people subscribe, buy certain articles, become members of a paid club, or donate money.
Investors. These are the people who invest their money on mutually beneficial terms or for charitable purposes.
How does the media make money from subscriptions
If people can get something for free, they will refuse to pay. However, if you provide them with valuable, unique offers, it will generate increased interest. Based on this logic, unique publications open access to their resources only by subscription.
It should be understood that a subscription can only be offered to an audience that has "matured" to paid services. Such an audience will understand what they are paying for. Perhaps this is a high quality of products, convenient search, a large archive of information.
Media is not a business, it is only providing people with information. Therefore, media receive their main income from subscriptions and only 5% of their income comes from advertising.
People are willing to pay for the content they want. Subscription provides an opportunity for mutually beneficial and honest cooperation. Publishers offer information, readers pay, and access the resources they need.
Subscription filters people. Only those readers who are interested in the material will remain on the paid resources. Bots and spammers won't get access here.
In Russia, things are more complicated. People here aren't used to paying for content. Why pay for those resources that can be obtained for free. There is a risk that if the site at one point says that you have to pay for all the resources, then it will lose most of its audience.
Of course, the subscription amount is low and the media would like to return to the original content sharing style. If a person wants to read a magazine, he must buy it. However, this approach will completely ruin the sites.
On the other hand, progress has begun in Russia. More and more people are using subscriptions. For example, Amediateka or Netflix.
How media can earn more
Improve your content and not be afraid to experiment. Media can only make money on content. Therefore, it is important to provide the audience with what they are willing to pay for.
Understand the needs of the audience. Provide her with what she needs and analyze whether it makes sense to monetize the content provided.
Assess the prospects for paid content. Choose a target audience or a specific product that people will want to pay for. If the site does not delay the provision of paid content, then it will gain experience in this matter, and the number of its subscribers will grow rapidly.
Try to look for ways to monetize wherever the media is located. At the moment, social networks are very popular. Therefore, the media are looking for income on these sites. Of course, now you can't earn more there than on traditional sites. Although you can earn some money. However, there is no need to go completely to social networks, referring to the fact that they have a "bright" future. There is no such prospect anywhere.
Collaborate only with people who know how to work with the audience. Along with brand quality, it is important to gain the trust of your readers. Competent and honest media teams value not fancy metrics, but real numbers and enthusiastic readers. Likewise, the advertiser. He does not expect that 10,000 people will immediately click on the link. Interested people are important to him, and how the media will achieve such indicators is already their problem.
Therefore, before counting on real income, the media should interest users, provide them with high-quality, interesting and necessary content. Then, to establish themselves in the eyes of advertisers, to make them want to cooperate with the site.
The media resource that relies on quantity is not making its mark. On the other hand, those sites that value their regular readers will always be in demand and will quickly recruit many interested visitors.