Why Not All Online Casinos Can Be Trusted

Why Not All Online Casinos Can Be Trusted
Why Not All Online Casinos Can Be Trusted

It is very difficult to grasp the moment when a harmless hobby for gambling "on trifles", with small stakes, turns into a real gambling addiction. With the spread of the Internet, gambling became widely available. Now anyone can register on the thematic site and try their luck at the online casino.

Why not all online casinos can be trusted
Why not all online casinos can be trusted

Unfortunately, clear statistics of victims of online casinos cannot be found anywhere. Internet users are attracted by stories about sky-high winnings, about how you can quit your job and start earning many hundreds of dollars a week by betting on roulette. True, no one talks about how many people lost the last money that was set aside for everyday needs. And there are an unusually large number of such stories.

Among professional players there is a saying: "Without a sucker and life is bad." This statement applies to all naive newbies who believe that somewhere in the world there is a place where they just sit and wait for them to go there and instantly make a lot of money. Do not delude yourself - the casino was not created to distribute fantastic winnings to all its players.


At the time when offline casinos were officially operating in Russia, the gaming process was completely different than it is now in online casinos. The key to the success of any serious gaming establishment was attendance. There were several people at each game table. It turned out that someone won and someone lost. One of the “golden” rules of the experienced player is: “You should never play against the casino. You need to bet against other players, especially when they are unlucky."

It turned out that casino winnings were paid out of the pockets of the losers. Any reputable institution sought to attract VIP visitors in order to increase its turnover at their expense and increase its reputation. Even if a person won a large amount of money, then he became like a walking advertisement. He symbolized the success and honesty of the establishment, attracting new customers there. A player who has won once almost always returns to the gaming table and the casino has the opportunity to win back, especially since the gambling establishment remains profitable over a long distance. Incredibly, if all the players one day became one team and started playing together against the casino for one pocket, following strict instructions, their chances of winning would instantly increase.

What is an online casino? This is a special program that simulates Blackjack, Poker, Roulette and slot machines. On the Internet, the player always plays one-on-one with the program. There may be thousands of people on the site at this time, but the gameplay always takes place at a separate table. Winning and losing others does not affect your game in any way. It turns out that the online casino plays with each of its visitors separately. Of course, in an online game it is impossible to dispute anything - the player has no rights.


It should be remembered that the game demo program is very different from the real money game program. Trying your luck on "candy wrappers", you will be lucky. After an hour of demo entertainment, a potential player already begins to think that it is simply impossible to lose in this casino. Moreover, many establishments offer cash bonuses when you enter real money into the game. True, it is impossible to withdraw the bonus from the account - you need to play on it. This is where all further problems in the life of an unlucky player often begin.

To his horror, he suddenly realizes that playing for real money is very different from the demo mode. Here they can even give a small amount to win, but then suddenly the luck turns away from the player. Even the best "win-win" system suddenly crashes. It should be understood that beating an online casino is simply unrealistic. There are no real croupiers, the whole process is automated and visitors have no guarantee that the game is fair.


If suddenly a person still wants to play in an online casino, then it is advisable to choose a site where a webcam shows a real gaming table, at which several people can be at the same time, and a live dealer in real time launches a ball and distributes cards, prominent to all players who are in the game at this time. Undoubtedly, there is more confidence in such a casino, but it should be remembered that in Russia it is possible to play only in specially designated gambling zones and all these establishments, in principle, are illegal.
