An increase in the status of a user and the opening of additional functions in the system occurs upon receipt of the so-called passports. In addition, the higher the passport, the more confidence you have in you, since you provide the system with your passport data and become a full-fledged user of WebMoney.

Step 1
The very first passport in the WebMoney system is a pseudonym passport. It is issued automatically when creating a wallet, after filling in all the necessary registration data - name, address, e-mail, phone. Thus, all participants in the system are automatically certified, but you cannot vouch for the veracity of the data - all information is entered by the user and is not verified. A pseudonym certificate is issued free of charge.
Step 2
The next step is a formal certificate. In addition to the information specified during registration, the user also fills in his passport data (passport number, issued by whom, date of birth, etc.) on the WebMoney Passport website. Such a certificate also causes little confidence, since the information is not verified and the user may deliberately incorrectly fill out the passport data form. By itself, this certificate is needed in order to authorize the user to perform financial transactions - deposit and withdrawal of money, as well as exchange. By specifying the correct passport data, the user will be able to use the services of guarantors and cash pick-up points, while without a formal passport, he will only be able to replenish the wallet through cards and pay for services. The formal passport is issued free of charge.
Step 3
The next step is the initial passport. Unlike the previous options, your personal information is verified. You can get it in two ways: personally meet with an authorized "Personalizer" or upload a scan of your passport to the website. In the first case, you need to make a payment ($ 1) and choose a personalizer convenient for you from the list. You will have to meet with him in person and present your passport. If there is no personalizer in your area or you do not have time for a personal meeting, then you can use the second option. To do this, you need to go to the WebMoney money transfer section and select one of three money transfer systems: Unistream, Contact and Anelik. Then upload a scan of your passport, then accept the agreement to receive an initial passport.
Step 4
If you are engaged in a business related to the use of WebMoney - you receive payment for goods / services, etc., then you just need a personal passport. It provides access to almost all system functions, as well as simplifies the procedure for recovering WMID in case of loss and protects against unreasonable claims and blocking. To obtain a personal passport, you need to come to the registrar's office for a personal conversation. You will be asked various questions, for example, how did you withdraw money, which bank you worked with, etc. Then your documents will be scanned, and you will pay the cost of the service - on average $ 10-15 (depending on the registrar you choose). In a couple of days, you will be assigned a personal passport. In the event that there is no registrar's office in your area, then you can send by certified mail notarized copies of documents.