How To Get A Loan With One Passport

How To Get A Loan With One Passport
How To Get A Loan With One Passport

Not everyone can collect a large package of required documents for a loan. Of course, there will be no problems with a passport or any other identity document, but not every borrower has a salary certificate or a copy of a work book certified by a notary.

There is only one explanation for this - a fairly large number of people work unofficially. On the one hand, both the length of service is large and the salary is more than satisfactory, but it is impossible to obtain official confirmation.

In connection with such circumstances, the borrowers have a question - is it possible to obtain a loan using a passport without attracting additional documentation?

Where to go?

In fact, the situation is not so sad. Many banks are ready to provide loans to their clients only with a passport. But such banks, for example, do not include Sberbank, VTB24, Alfa-Bank - the largest banks can provide a loan only if they have the necessary package of documents.

The way out is to contact other, smaller banks or financial organizations, for example, Orient Express Bank, OTP, Renaissance and others.

If you apply for a loan using a passport, you should not expect to receive a large amount. The maximum that the bank can give you without certificates is 200,000 rubles. This limitation is understandable, because banks do not want to take risks.

Due to the high level of risks, the interest rate on the loan also increases. Often it can be twice as high as when applying for a loan for a full package of documents.

Express loan

Another option can be express lending - the issuance of cash with the provision of a minimum of required documents. The application is completed and reviewed within one hour. Loans of this type are issued in any, even the largest banks.

The advantages of such an urgent loan include high processing speed and loyalty in terms of requirements for the client, and the disadvantages are high interest rates and a small loan amount.

There is another option for obtaining a loan without additional. documents - this is the execution of a certificate of income in the form of a bank. Such a document is issued by the bank and filled in by the client's employer, which indicates how long the borrower has been working in the organization, his position and the level of salary for several months.

This document is certified by the seal and signature of the employer. A document of this type is analogous to the personal income tax certificate-2 and a certified copy of the labor book.
