To obtain a consumer loan, it is usually sufficient for a potential borrower to have a passport and identification code. The banks no longer require any certificates of income for half a year from the place of work. To obtain a credit card, only identification documents are required. This is due to increased competition in the world of financial services, because the main income of the bank is solely due to lending.

It is necessary
Passport and identification code
Step 1
It is impossible to get a large loan at low interest rates only on the basis of a passport, since the larger the amount, the harder it will be for the borrower to pay off. And there is a possibility that the borrower will start hiding in order not to pay off the large debt.
Step 2
The bank includes the risk of non-repayment in the interest rate on the loan, therefore the cash loan will always be with inflated interest rates. But banks show loyalty to regular customers. For example, a special program is provided for salary projects.
Step 3
When any organization concludes an agreement with a bank for servicing a salary project, the bank may provide additional preferential conditions for employees of this organization. Therefore, to apply for a loan, first it is better to contact the bank serving the company.
Step 4
To obtain a loan with a passport, you need to visit the bank, taking your passport and identification code with you, tell the purpose for which you came to the bank employee. He, in turn, will announce the terms of the loan, including interest on the loan and the maximum possible amount of issue.
Step 5
If everything suits you, the bank clerk makes a photocopy of your documents, which you must certify with your signature. Then he prints out the rest of the package of documents and asks to fill out a loan application form. After signing all the papers, a non-targeted loan is issued, which can be disposed of as you see fit.
Step 6
Remember that by signing a loan agreement and receiving cash, you are obliged to repay the interest on the loan in accordance with the terms of the agreement. If the loan is allowed to be delayed by at least one day, the interest for use is likely to double. In addition, you can get the status of a "problem borrower", which will have a detrimental effect on your credit history and in the future will lead to the fact that no bank will issue you a loan in the future. Therefore, the obligations assumed must be fulfilled in a timely manner.