Every person in life has a moment when a rather large amount of cash is urgently needed. The purposes of using these funds are completely different. It is not always possible to borrow from relatives or neighbors, and the terms of a "friendly" loan, as a rule, fluctuate within one or two months, which is not always convenient.

This raises the question of where you can quickly take out a passport loan in cash without a certificate of income, which today is the most popular product in the financial sector.
The answer seems to be very simple, namely:
- commercial Bank;
- credit union;
- pawnshop;
- other organizations that issue loans in cash and have a legal basis for this.
And now more about the procedure for preparing and issuing such loans. The standard package of documents includes a passport of an individual, sometimes a second document to choose from: a driver's license, a pension certificate, an international passport, a certificate of ownership of a vehicle (PTS), an insurance certificate of state pension insurance and a questionnaire that is filled in by the client himself or by the manager of the organization from the words client.
The rules for filling out the questionnaire, or rather the information that is important when deciding whether or not an organization to issue a loan to a given borrower:
- it is important to indicate not only the main income, but also additional income, if any;
- it is necessary to indicate the presence of movable and immovable property in the ownership (positive characteristic of a potential borrower);
- always a positive aspect is the presence of a positive credit history;
- it is necessary to schedule existing loans with an indication of the initial loan amount, the annual interest rate, the current balance and the monthly payment in the loan currency (this requirement is not always necessary).
Lenders' requirements for a potential client in the field of lending:
1. The minimum age for obtaining a loan is from 20, and sometimes from 25 years;
2. The maximum age at the end of the loan is up to 60 or up to 65 years (pensioners are not always credited);
3. It is obligatory to have at least two or three contact phones - home, mobile or work;
The real rate on cash loans ranges from 15 to 65 percent or more per annum. The manager of the organization, who draws up the package of documents, is obliged to notify the client about all his costs for the entire period of use of the loan.
The processing time for these loan applications ranges from one hour to a week in some cases.
Therefore, if you decide to take a cash loan without a certificate of income, find out about all the intricacies of processing and the timing of consideration before submitting documents to the organization, so as not to be left without a timely loan when it is very urgently needed.