It happens that a situation arises in life when money is urgently needed: to pay a loan or to buy necessary things, but there is no place to get them. In this case, one of the options for acquiring the required amount can be a tough economy of the home budget. In fact, it is worth auditing your spending - and it becomes clear where you can save. The most important thing in such a case is to set aside the saved money separately.

Step 1
Save on electricity, water and gas. Do not turn on the water when brushing your teeth, take a shower instead of a bath, remember to turn off the lights in all rooms, keep electrical appliances off, cook with the lid closed - there are many ways to save money on your daily needs.
Step 2
Save on food. Of course, you should not buy cheap products - they may be of poor quality, and you should not change your usual food. Just make the required minimum - your grocery basket. Bread, milk, butter, eggs, meat - make a list of what you really need and limit yourself from spontaneous purchases of "sweets".
Step 3
Save on transport. If you have to commute to work by private car, compare your spending on gas and the cost of travel to work on public transport. Of course, getting by bus is not always convenient, not so fast and not so comfortable, but, as a rule, it is several times cheaper.
Step 4
Forget catering. And, of course, about all kinds of McDonald's. It is not only expensive but also harmful. If possible, take home lunch to work. Or drive home during your lunch break.
Step 5
Refrain from expensive gifts. For some reason, it is believed that for a holiday, relatives, friends or children should be given expensive gifts or large sums of money. But you can restrict yourself to a not very expensive, but solid and beautiful gift - you just have to look.
Step 6
Use discount cards and coupons. You can borrow them from friends or relatives, or you can find out the conditions for obtaining them in the stores where you usually shop.
Step 7
Limit mobile phone conversations. Cellular communication takes a lot of money, and it is not at all noticeable for the subscriber. If you have to talk a lot (about work), then choose an unlimited tariff for yourself. This tends to be cheaper.
Step 8
Forget about accidental spending. Buy only those products and services that you really need. Although once a week you can afford a small indulgence - it's impossible to live in austerity all the time - it's stressful.