Being able to manage your budget wisely is a useful trait, but not everyone succeeds. More often it happens like this: earned - spent, but at the right time the required amount is not available. You can learn to save and save money, it will be easier if you have motivation.

Step 1
Saving a family budget does not mean living poorly. On the contrary, a sensible approach to finance, reducing the cost of unhealthy products and unnecessary trinkets, improves living standards. Go to the economy mode in stages: analyze your monthly expenses, exclude from them what you can do without. Replace expensive unhealthy products - various smoked products, sausages, semi-finished meat products, etc. for cheaper and healthier ones. Set aside the freed up funds in the "piggy bank".
Step 2
Save and save by reviewing the modes of use of water, communications, electricity. Do not leave switched off electrical appliances in the outlet, load the washing machine in accordance with the norm - excess, as well as incomplete loading, lead to excessive consumption of electricity. Buy home appliances with a low energy consumption class. For lighting, use energy-saving bulbs, think over zone lighting - sconces in the bedroom are much more practical than a chandelier with several arms.
Step 3
Let's figure out how to save money even with a small salary. Make a list of expenses, divide it into items: urgent vital expenses - loans, rent, food; non-urgent - buying clothes, gadgets, household goods, family vacations.
Write down the item "non-urgent" in detail and work with this list thoughtfully - what can be postponed until better times, which can be completely dispensed with. Refuse shopping on credit, estimate what the monthly payment would be if you bought a thing on credit, and save this money. In a year you will be able to buy this thing without a loan, while saving on interest.
Step 4
It is impossible to completely abandon the rest, but you can save on it - buy last-minute vouchers, the prices for which are much lower, go to rest "savages" - it turns out much cheaper. Make it a rule to set aside a certain percentage from any income, even from the most insignificant, regardless of the circumstances. Believe me, the proverb: "a penny saves the ruble" works.