How To Learn To Save And Start Saving Money

How To Learn To Save And Start Saving Money
How To Learn To Save And Start Saving Money

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Many are faced with the fact that there is barely enough money until the next paycheck, and it's not even worth talking about buying more expensive things. What should be done to break this vicious circle? How to learn how to distribute your funds in such a way as to provide yourself not only with everyday needs, but also to allow more expensive pleasures, for example, a new car or a vacation. The first thing to do is to fundamentally rethink your habits.


Step 1

Start keeping track of your income and expenses.

You can start a notebook where you will record all your income and expenses every day, or start keeping a spreadsheet on your computer. You can install a dedicated app on your smartphone. As you prefer. The main thing is to be able to see how much money you received and how much you spent. Don't throw your checks out of stores. Having studied them, it will be easier for you to conclude what you really needed to buy from the purchases, and what you threw into the basket by inertia. Thank you to the supermarket marketing staff and the well-placed product for that.

Step 2

Go grocery shopping on a full stomach and always with a shopping list.

If you have an accurate list on hand, thought out in advance, then it will be much easier for you to navigate the store. Nowadays, it has become popular to go exactly to large supermarkets, where a huge number of goods are sold. Looking at all this variety, eyes begin to scatter. If you are hungry, then there is a high probability that you will buy excess. The list will keep you in line.

Step 3

Don't waste your money on convenience foods and eat at home.

Cooking with your own hands will help you save a lot. The same applies to cafes and fast food restaurants. Such food will not bring any health or wallet benefits. If you calculate how much it takes to eat outside the home, then a tidy sum will come up in a month.

Step 4

Give up bad habits.

This applies not only to smoking and alcohol abuse. Bad habits also include shopping addiction, gambling addiction, and very frequent visits to spa and beauty salons. If you have a dream that needs money to come true, you can dye your hair or nails yourself or ask someone close to you.

Step 5

Don't take loans.

Unfortunately, in our country, loans are a luxury due to the very high interest rates on them. Yes, you get the right thing now and immediately, but then it will be very difficult to save up for something no less necessary. Every month you will be in debt dependence, this is bad both for the budget and for your own psyche. It's good when you don't owe anyone or anything, isn't it? With a competent distribution of funds, the desired thing will become yours, it just takes a little more time, but then there will be no debts to the bank.

Step 6

Start saving money.

Set aside a certain percentage from each salary, from any receipt of funds. It is believed that the best option without a significant hit on the pocket is to save 10% of income. If you get more, it's even better. And act according to the principle “Pay yourself first”. This means that, first of all, as soon as you receive the money and come home, immediately put this 10% aside in your piggy bank, and only then distribute it to your current needs.

Step 7

Open an escrow account.

Even if you have iron willpower and will not take money from your savings, do not keep your savings at home. Choose a convenient bank. And, as soon as you have accumulated even a small amount, open an account in this bank and put money there at interest. At present, the interest on deposits is not very high, but they cover inflation. It is optimal to open an account for 6 months. If you decide to save further, the deposit can always be rolled over.
