There are several ways to get rid of financial debt and start saving, but they are not universal - they are suitable for some, but not for others.

We bring to your attention several ways to help, if not to get rid of debts, then to reduce their number and save money.
The easiest option possible is to start saving. For example, you can make a list of expenses for the day / week / month and understand exactly where the most money goes. You can also see what you can refuse for now.
The second way to get rid of debt is not to lend. Many people, even with a debt (credit, loan), still lend money, because "the soul is wide." This, judging from a human point of view, is great, but debts are either not returned, or are returned in parts and late. Therefore, it is better to lend to those who will definitely return the entire amount and on time. And it is even better not to borrow money once or twice, but to repay the debt.

The third way is to start keeping money in foreign currency. According to statistics, many people lose the desire to spend "green" on whatever they want. In some cases, a person is simply too lazy to change money back to rubles (dollars are not accepted everywhere).
Another option is to go to a bank that can buy back loans and arrange restructuring. This is convenient if a person has collected a lot of loans and pays high interest on them.

You can also find a job with a higher pay or a part-time job. You can also ask for a raise. If we talk about part-time work, then you can consider not only the work of a watchman or a loader on weekends, but also work on the Internet.
Another common method is to only buy things where there are sales and promotions. Even if you manage to save 10-20 rubles, that's already good.
Many people use a bank deposit. You can open bank deposits with high interest rates and send all available funds to it.
As already mentioned, not all methods are universal, so everyone needs to choose the ones that suit the most. And it's important to remember a simple truth: