Personal loans are becoming more and more popular. The prospect of getting the desired item right now and paying for it later is very tempting. As a result, many borrowers find themselves in the quandary of not calculating their budget. Anything can happen, from the loss of a job to the deterioration of one's own health. Of course, the bank does not want to wait and demands the repayment of the debt. Collection agencies help to collect overdue debts.

Step 1
Collection agencies are organizations that work with bank borrowers who, for one reason or another, have stopped repaying debt. The agency buys out the debt from the bank (cession agreement) or works under an agency agreement, for a fee in the form of interest from the repaid amount of the debt. Some collection agencies are subsidiaries of large banks, there are also many individual firms specializing in this activity.
Step 2
Debt collection is carried out in several stages. First, the contact center employees communicate with problem borrowers. Their task is to convince the borrower of the need to repay the debt out of court. As a rule, at this stage of collection, the collectors are polite to the interlocutor. If the debtor avoids communicating with them, calls are made to his friends, relatives and colleagues at the place of work.
Step 3
At the next stage, the psychological impact on the borrower increases. Calls are becoming more and more persistent, collectors no longer ask, but demand to pay. When all the previous methods are useless, a mobile team may be sent to the debtor. Collectors make every effort to personally meet with him and talk about all the possible consequences of non-payment. Sometimes employees of collection agencies exceed their authority, veiled threats of physical violence, criminal prosecution and complete confiscation of property are used. In addition, information about the borrower's dishonesty is being actively disseminated.
Step 4
A collection agency has the right to go to court, but in practice it rarely uses it. In most cases, their collection methods remain at the level of annoying calls to the borrower and his entourage, letters and visits, which are terminated in the absence of effect. Nevertheless, the borrower will need a lot of energy and nerves to get through this period.