How To Check The Authenticity Of A License

How To Check The Authenticity Of A License
How To Check The Authenticity Of A License

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Most types of design and construction activities today require a license. And getting it is not always easy. One of the options for solving this problem was the presentation of fake documents to the customer. In connection with the change of construction licenses for certificates of entry into the register of self-regulatory organizations, right now, to a greater extent, licensing fraud is widespread. Fraudsters have a huge field of activity, since the appearance of such a certificate is new for both customers and contractors. How can you avoid being cheated?

How to check the authenticity of a license
How to check the authenticity of a license


Step 1

At present, a unified state register of construction licenses has been formed on the territory of the Russian Federation. At this stage, it is in the public domain for all Internet users. To check the license presented to you, firstly, go to this registry via the Internet. It's not hard. Just in a search engine, type in the "unified register of building licenses" and then go to it.

Step 2

Several large blocks will open before you: the register of licenses issued for construction activities, licenses for energy survey, for engineering surveys, cartographic work and design. Choose what you need based on the license you need to check.

Step 3

For the convenience of searching, it is better to use the classifier. In it, you can enter the city in which the license was issued, as well as the status and sorting of the license by characteristics.

Step 4

In the list that opens, find the full name of the issued license. If there is one, then be sure to check all the data, such as the exact name of the organization to which the license was issued, its legal address, license number and date of issue. It happens that the number of a fake document actually exists in the unified register of licenses, but a completely different organization is registered under this number. So be careful. The Unified License Register is constantly updated, so the information contained in it is fairly accurate.
