If you have experience with a virtual Visa Qiwi Wallet card, then it will not be difficult for a minor to register with PayPal. You can also use a plastic card for purchases. It is issued at the bank with the written permission of the parents.

If you want to make money with the withdrawal of funds from PayPal, the legal way to register with the payment service involves entering your passport data with the mandatory indication of age. On what grounds can you register in the system if you are not yet 18 years old?
Visa Virtual for online shopping
Those who are under 18 years old should better ask their parents to register to earn money via the Internet, since the use of someone else's passport data is regarded by the payment system as fraud. If you only make purchases through PayPal, then you do not always need to indicate the age. The account will not be blocked after linking a personal bank card in the system.
The payment service accepts credit or debit card accounts that are not issued to minors. Up to 18 years old, you can use PayPal if you specify the card details in it. A payment service is not a special device in a store for making payments directly with a card.
Visa Qiwi Wallet can be used in the global network, making purchases online, since payment is carried out using a regular plastic card. Visa Virtual is supported by the PayPal payment service after the user follows the link sent by the system to the email specified as the login to the service. The payment service eliminates the need to enter bank card details every time. This data may become available to fraudsters who send emails with an offer to buy an item.
Registration in a reliable service PayPal
If you have not yet turned 18, this does not mean that you cannot register with PayPal. The reliability of the payment service lies in the fact that the card details are not sent to the seller. All information on them remains inside the created account.
Registration in the PayPal system is carried out with the indication of the card details, therefore, you will need to buy Visa Virtual after entering the phone number and password on the Qiwi service website. Payment of up to $ 3 can be debited from the Beeline account, the WebMoney service wallet, etc. When the money enters the system, an SMS is automatically sent, which contains information about the payment details of the virtual card. This data is entered into PayPal by a registered user.
For step-by-step registration, the following steps are performed:
- Email is entered.
- Follow the link:
- Full name, postal address based on passport data are entered.
- The details of the plastic or virtual card are indicated.
It is recommended that you write down the password for your PayPal account in a text file, which must include 8 characters. The account is activated after confirming the email address. If you are under 18, then it is better to register with PayPal with parental consent. They can give written permission for the bank to issue a Visa plastic card. After entering personal data in the payment service, registration ends with the customer accepting the user agreement.