How To Open A Collection Agency

How To Open A Collection Agency
How To Open A Collection Agency

Table of contents:


Collection agency is a form of business, the purpose of which is to collect debts from individuals and legal entities. As a rule, such agencies are created directly with credit institutions, but there are also independent firms that buy out debts from banks at their own expense.

How to open a collection agency
How to open a collection agency

It is necessary

  • - registration documents;
  • - checking account;
  • - office;
  • - office equipment;
  • - staff;
  • - clients.


Step 1

To open a collection agency, you must first register a legal entity. It is desirable that it be a limited liability company or closed joint stock company.

Step 2

Next, you need to find an office. The premises can be rented or purchased. The size of the office will depend only on the number of employees who will be located there.

Step 3

Make repairs in the room, arrange office furniture, equip with office equipment. Each collector will need a personal computer with Internet access, landline and mobile phones.

Step 4

A collection agency needs a bank account. It will also come in handy so that the founders of the LLC can contribute the amount of the authorized capital to it.

Step 5

For the successful work of a collection agency, you need to hire experienced specialists. In addition to collectors, you will need a lawyer, an accountant, a personnel inspector.

Step 6

Further, there are two options for work: you can buy out the debt from credit institutions, that is, conclude a debt assignment agreement, or work with them for a certain percentage (usually from 15 to 35%), that is, conclude a service agreement.

Step 7

The activities of your employees must fit into the framework of the law, so they must have clear job descriptions and rules for working with debtors. As a rule, collectors make phone calls, make home visits to debtors for a personal conversation, but if persuasion does not help, then they take the case to court. If the case does not progress even after the presentation of the court order, then, together with the bailiffs, the collectors make an inventory of the property.
