All banknotes sooner or later go out of circulation, becoming a kind of monuments to a bygone time. This is especially true for countries with a rich history. What to do with the old money found in the far corner?

Step 1
Old banknotes issued after 1994 can be easily changed at Sberbank. It is advisable to first find out whether the branch closest to you is engaged in the exchange. This information can be obtained by phone or through the Sberbank website.
Step 2
If you find money at home dated 1994 or earlier, you will not be able to exchange it at the bank. You can try to sell them to numismatists. They can be found online. There are numismatist clubs in all major cities, the address of the nearest one can be found on the Internet or in the local newspaper, where collectors' ads are often published.
Step 3
However, before selling banknotes or coins, look online for information about them. This way you will better represent their market value and will not be deceived. In addition, the transfer of bills in person also reduces the risk of fraud. If you are unexpectedly offered to buy your bill or coin at too high a price, this is a reason to be wary. Perhaps you are the owner of an unusually rare banknote, whose real price is several times higher than the offered one.
Step 4
If you are going to sell money over the Internet (directly on the forums of numismatists or via e-bay), you need to make scans of both sides of each bill or coin. On large Internet portals of numismatists, there are always separate topics in which you can ask questions about money. Sometimes you can be fairly accurately told the estimated value of a bill or coin. The transfer of banknotes and coins is carried out through the mail, when there is no way to meet alive. You can find detailed information about forwarding on the thematic forums.
Step 5
You can try to sell money through an online auction, but this works best if you have more than one or two rare bills. As a rule, you can get the highest price at such auctions, since this is where the collectors are present.
Step 6
Another option to get rid of unnecessary money is to donate it to museums. Compensation, however, will not be very large or not at all. But this is much easier than browsing numismatic forums and understanding the essence of the issue.
Step 7
If you are satisfied that the accumulated coins are of no particular value, you can turn them in as non-ferrous metal. This option does not bode well either.