Donation - from the Latin "gift", "donor" - donation of blood, organs and other biomaterials in special donor centers. Blood donation is the most popular because even under ideal conditions, blood plasma can live no more than a few days.

Step 1
Donor centers are usually located at medical centers and health care institutions: hospitals, clinics, etc. Find the center closest to you, call there and inquire about the opening hours. Usually, donor blood is taken in the morning, at 8.00 - 9.00.
Step 2
Before donating blood, the donor undergoes a mandatory free medical examination. The examination reveals the general condition of the donor and the physiological ability to donate blood. In some cases, donation is contraindicated (for example, in diabetes). Sometimes the examination takes place on the day of blood donation.
Step 3
For two days before donating blood, the donor has to limit the diet. You need to remove dairy products, alcohol, fatty, smoked and spicy foods, butter, eggs, beets from the table. Medicines containing analgesics are also excluded.
Step 4
On the morning of donating blood, it is advisable to have breakfast with something carbohydrate (for example, sweet), but low-fat and drink plenty of fluids. Donating blood on an empty stomach is not worth it. Do not smoke for an hour before donating blood.
Step 5
The donor receives a monetary reward, a blood donation certificate and two paid days off - on the day of donation and on any other day of the donor's choice. Blood donation in general is not aimed at obtaining monetary compensation and paid days off, but at fostering a spirit of mutual assistance and social responsibility. Therefore, attempts to make money on donation, as at the main place of work, are rather a perversion of its meaning.
According to the rules in force in Russia, you can donate blood no more than 1 time in 60 days, no more than 5 times a year for men and 4 times a year for women.
A one-time donation for donating blood is determined by regional and municipal authorities in accordance with the general level of the economy.