Just a couple of years ago, making money on the Internet was an abstraction for me. Moreover, I could not imagine how you can have a passive income by viewing articles. Now my opinion has changed, because I myself have become a freelancer.

First freelance experience
I got into copywriting quite by accident, on the advice of a friend. He told me that he writes articles for sale, and for a long time I considered this occupation just a whim - well, what kind of money can there be? Unless to amuse your pride, nothing more.
Then my personal financial crisis happened when money was urgently needed. Scrolling through all the possible ways to make money in my head, I also remembered writing articles. Well, what the hell is not kidding? Suddenly I will really be able to somehow make money on the Internet. By the way, I was very determined.
To get my hands on a little, I registered on the KakProsto website and started keeping my blog - views of articles are paid here. With the active content of the blog, there is a chance to secure yourself passive earnings on views. The site belongs to the Relevant Media company, therefore the main principle of the articles is informational content.
You can write on any topic that you are well versed in. The only "BUT" is that only residents of the Russian Federation can work here, citizens of other countries are deprived of such an opportunity. Please note that everything is official here, personal income tax is withheld from income. When registering, you will have to fill in all the proposed columns: passport data, SNILS, TIN, bank account number. The money is transferred directly to the card - this is very convenient for those who do not know how to use WebMoney.
The company is solid, reliable enough, has been operating for a very long time, therefore, in my opinion, it is quite trustworthy. You can look at the reviews on the net - there are practically no negative ones. Now the rules of work have changed a little, you need to apply for the status of "expert". In my opinion, this is a purely formal procedure. If the application is made according to the rules, it will be approved.
For their activity, the authors receive a rating. As it increases, so does the number of views and, accordingly, income.
How much can you earn from views?
It depends on how well the article is optimized. If it is successfully indexed and gets into the TOP, it can get from 100 to 1000 views per day (depending on the relevance of the request), i.e. from 5 to 50 (and more) rubles from each article. View statistics can be tracked in real time.
There is also a separate tab to control payments. Payments are made from 200 rubles - this is the minimum. A notification is sent by mail that a reconciliation report has been sent to the author. You need to sign it, upload it to the proposed form and send it back. At first glance, it seems that it is difficult, but you get used to these features pretty quickly. Especially if you don't make any effort, and the money still drips.
I have written about 200 texts, with less than a hundred optimized. I started writing my articles as a green beginner, and did not attach the necessary importance to this moment. Don't repeat my mistakes.
In order not to be unfounded, I post a screenshot: earnings from viewing my articles in June. Despite the fact that I did not write a single new article during this period, I consider this income to be very good. If you blog regularly, views increase significantly (verified). Some TOP authors earn this amount in a week. Just do not count on a quick return - first you have to write "into the void" at least 40-50 articles.

All texts are moderated. I would not say that it is too harsh, but frankly stupid articles will definitely not pass it. Also, texts with errors. If the editor still inserts a couple of missing commas for you, then he will not correct the curves of the structure, he will simply reject the article. Improvements are not foreseen. Before starting work, I recommend that you study the rules thoroughly - this will save a lot of time and nerves, and will help you overcome the most difficult, initial stage in order to have stable earnings on views in the future.
I still believe that for any beginner, working at KakProsto can be an excellent practice to improve their skills. In addition to writing text, here you can learn how to independently upload articles to the site, select and insert thematic pictures, format, learn to select keys, optimize texts. You can write articles in two main formats: in the form of step-by-step instructions and in the usual basic form.
- You can make money by viewing articles, and it’s quite good. Passive income is extremely useful.
- In order not to be disappointed in this way of making money from the very first attempts, carefully (!) Study all the rules laid out on the site - there are many specific points.
- Making money from viewing articles is a way for the most motivated and persistent. Those who need "everything at once" can pass by without hesitation.
- Improve your literacy and thoroughly (!) Proofread your articles before moderation. Inconsistent proposals, spelling mistakes, lame style lead to rejection of articles and even the author's ban.
- The most important point is the optimization of texts and the selection of keywords. Wordstat to help you.
- Only Russian citizens can work here - these are the rules. Everything is official here. If you are not ready for the fact that you have to send your data to the company, this method is not for you.
Well, basically, that's all I wanted to write about my very first experience of working on the Internet and how to make money on the Internet by watching. Then everything depends on you.