Earning money by writing articles and texts for the web is one of the most popular and affordable types of remote work on the Internet. According to statistics from the three leading article exchanges: Textsale, ETXT and Advego, today more than 500,000 people make money by writing texts on the Internet. The real figure, of course, is higher - the named indicator does not take into account other resources for freelancers.

Step 1
If you plan to make money by writing texts for the Internet, first of all, study the features of their compilation. Having a philological education and experience in journalism in print media does not guarantee success in web writing. Content creation is different from writing printed material. Find out the optimal sizes of texts for the web, the peculiarities of their writing and design.
Step 2
Subscribe to the mailing lists of successful copywriters who share the secrets of their craft with aspiring authors for free. Read their blogs, study materials, understand professional web writing terminology.
Step 3
Register on one or more article exchanges. Submit a qualification assignment if the exchange provides such an opportunity. Write some trial articles for free sale.
Step 4
When choosing topics for your first articles, study what texts are currently being sold, at what prices. Look at the most popular categories on the exchanges (traditionally, the most popular are texts on construction topics). Explore the TOP authors, check out their work in the portfolio. After doing an initial analysis, you will be able to determine the topic of the article and its selling price.
Step 5
Despite the huge number of registered authors on article exchanges, not all are active writers. This should be remembered when setting a price for your texts. But don't underestimate it: the experience of successful copywriters shows that a beginner can start with a price of $ 1 per 1000 characters.
Step 6
Write some texts for free sale. Such texts are your virtual showcase in the article store. Diversify it with texts on different topics in different categories.
Step 7
Send private messages to buyers of your articles with suggestions to write other texts for them. Participate in customer tenders. Write every day - regular practice will help you hone your writing skills. Your customers will appreciate it immediately.