OKPO, or the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations OK 007-93, was created in 1993 and approved on 01.07.1994 by Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia No. 297. All changes to OKPO Rosstat, among the Statregister of business entities, makes through the organization's information network.

Step 1
The classifier is a set of numbers, and in the form of eight or ten characters is the number of a legal entity, which is indicated by it in accounting documents. Of these, all, except for the last, numbers are the ordinal number of a particular organization, the last number is a check digit that can be checked in case of certain suspicions about the company's activities. It should be remembered that OKPO is the code of a certain type of activity, and not the actual code of the enterprise itself.
Step 2
This code is strictly individual for each business entity throughout the country and serves to identify the enterprise in building a general federal data system on all existing business entities and is used in the exchange of data between departments.
Step 3
To find out the OKPO of an enterprise, look at its registration documents. As a rule, the code is also indicated on the licenses, permits, certificates issued to the company. Often included in signature details - look at the seal.
Step 4
Use special Internet services that represent all databases about enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, organizations of the country. Such a site, for example, is OKRO.ru, which provides permanent access to the OKPO directory.
Step 5
This Internet service can help in searching through the available databases, both, in fact, by the OKPO code, and by other data of the company: individual tax number, OGRN, full name of the required company, its address, passport data of the person in which the company is registered.
The use of such online resources is paid; it is possible to obtain data on the business entity of interest only after mandatory registration in the system, separate for individuals and corporate use of enterprises and organizations.