Recently, the tax policy of the state has become more and more stringent in relation to ordinary taxpayers. There is a need to optimize taxes. At the same time, the aggressive optimization method has already sunk into the past and is not effective, but consistent tax optimization will be quite profitable and practical.

Step 1
Modern methods of tax optimization are based on a combination of a simplified taxation system and UTII with a general operating tax regime. The main advantage of this method is its legality.
Step 2
The use of such methods of tax optimization allows saving on corporate property tax, income tax, reducing the tax burden from “salary” taxes, etc. At the same time, the legal tax optimization scheme has only positive aspects. It provides for the payment of wages without envelopes, as well as the receipt of "white" income for the founders of the business, without any losses.
Step 3
Conduct a tax and legal audit in order to analyze current tax risks and prevent systemic errors in tax accounting. The entire workflow and quality of primary documents must be in perfect order.
Analyze the regulations in this area and make forecasts for the development of events in certain cases.
Step 4
Make forecasts of the firm's tax liabilities.
Create a network schedule for the execution of tax transactions and financial obligations of the enterprise.
Build a schedule of compliance with tax compliance and changes in assets of the company
Develop a new tax model for your company.
Step 5
Think over options for management schemes for all financial affairs, information and commodity flows of the enterprise.
Reform the contractual framework and accounting policies of the organization. In some cases, you just need to change the entire tax policy of the company.
Step 6
Develop new tax optimization mechanisms that will govern all tax payments for your model.
Predict the effectiveness of the applied tax optimization tools.
Step 7
Make sure your organization's tax accounting matches management accounting. This will allow you to easily exercise control over all financial activities of the company, as well as make it possible to use bank loans.
Step 8
Conduct a forecast of how innovation is affecting the average of your business.
Install the required legal systems on your computer, which should be updated monthly.
Create a general tax model for your business with the introduction of a new methodology.
Follow the results.