Moving money outside your home country becomes an important issue when a big trip is planned. After all, there is a desire to bring souvenirs, and to please yourself with new things, and not deny yourself anything abroad.

It is necessary
- - cash;
- - a plastic card;
- - traveler's checks;
- - Bank reference;
- - passport.
Step 1
Taking out of Russia an amount greater than $ 10,000 is not allowed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Currency Regulation", clause 3, art. 15. When leaving a country with a currency in the amount of 3,000 to 10,000 dollars, you need to declare it at customs. Also get a special export permit from the bank where the currency exchange was performed.
Step 2
Be sure to indicate the amount transported in the declaration in dollars. To do this, transfer the money that you have in your hands in advance into this currency denomination at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Monetary units up to $ 3,000 are not subject to declaration.
Step 3
Do not put your money in your suitcase if you will not take it on the plane. It happens that I do not have time to load my baggage or it accidentally ends up on board another aircraft. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is best to carry money in your carry-on luggage or in hidden pockets. Divide the amount into several separate groups and put it away in different places. Unfortunately, both in Russia and abroad, no one is immune from scammers and pickpockets.
Step 4
Bank cards are a convenient modern way to take money abroad. The amount on your account may exceed the allowable limit for carriage. After all, the money remains in Russia, you only carry a plastic rectangle with you.
Step 5
Find out in advance about the interest that is withdrawn in your bank for payment by card abroad. Check if there is a branch of the bank serving the card in the country of travel. In this case, you can withdraw money from the account for free (for example, UniCredit Bank exists in many European countries).
Step 6
Order a second card linked to the same account. This will protect you in the event of loss or theft of the payment instrument. Write down the bank's phone number separately so that in case of an emergency you can immediately contact him and block one of the cards.
Step 7
Consider purchasing traveller's checks. They have a high degree of protection, they practically do not know how to counterfeit. Thus, your money will be reliably protected. You can buy checks at the bank for cash. Upon purchase, you will be charged 1% service charge. Be careful: the same rules apply to the transport of travelers' checks as to cash.
Step 8
If you returned home with unspent checks, exchange them back for cash. To do this, show the sales contract and passport at the bank. Please note that receipts must be kept in good condition.