In the fall of 2014, unexpectedly for the Russians, the ruble began to fall against the US dollar and the euro. What caused this fall? This question is asked by millions of people in Russia.

The simplest answer to this question is the sanctions announced to the Russian Federation by Western countries. However, the question immediately arises - why the sanctions were announced in the spring, and the fall occurred in early autumn.
The second obvious answer is falling oil prices. And here, it seems, lies the truth. If you look closely at the fluctuations in oil prices and the fluctuation of the ruble against the dollar, you can see their dependence. The ruble is falling by about the same as a barrel of oil. Again the question arises - what is the reason? And this may be due to compensation to exporters, in connection with the change in the cost of oil. That is, exporters receive approximately the same revenues in rubles as before the fall in oil prices. And the Central Bank is trying to keep the rate in a certain corridor.
As a result of the devaluation of the ruble, the state managed to save exporters, and even more so. Due to the lack of coordination between the Central Banks of the countries of the customs union, there was an imbalance in the value of currencies. The ruble fell, while the currencies of Belarus and Kazakhstan remained at the same level. As a result, the residents of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus began to massively buy up currency at home and went shopping in Russia for cheap cars and other goods.
Russia received a good influx of currency from its neighbors, as a result of which its relations with the countries of the customs union deteriorated. Especially President Lukashenko reacted very negatively to this situation.
So so far, devaluation has even played into the hands of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But whether our government will be able to use this bonus or not, only time will tell. But time, unfortunately, is starting to work against us.