Many women are thinking about how to save money on groceries. After all, this particular category of expenses is quite high. And the most offensive thing is that with the wrong approach, the products simply deteriorate in the refrigerator, are not used and are thrown away. And that means money is being thrown away. But you can approach shopping wisely and save money on groceries without losing the quality of food in the family.
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Step 1
Before going to the store, you need to prepare a grocery list. After all, it is known that in hypermarkets the products are arranged in such a way that the buyer, having come for bread, walked around the entire store and bought a bunch of unnecessary food products.
Step 2
In order to make a list, you first need to make a menu. It will be optimal to choose dishes not all week in advance. Usually, a hot dish is prepared daily, and soups are best done once every 2 days. It turns out that when making a menu, you need to choose 7 hot dishes and 3 types of soups. Some housewives also make hot meals for 1 to 2 days. Then you will need to choose 3 soups and 3 hot dishes for the week.
Step 3
When choosing dishes, be guided by the seasonality of the products. For example, vegetables are much cheaper in summer than in winter and will be cheaper to buy. Therefore, in the summer you can pamper yourself with a lot of vegetables in your meals. This way, you will save money by buying seasonal products for less.
Step 4
Now you need to paint the ingredients for each dish. Do not forget to include sweets and fruits if the family loves to eat them. You can hang a sheet with a scheduled menu for a week on the refrigerator so as not to lose it.
Step 5
Just before going to the store, you need to make a list of products to buy. For this, the ingredients from the menu are written on a separate sheet. A lot of products will be repeated. In such cases, you just need to write the required number. After making a list, you need to look into your refrigerator. After all, some of them will already be available at home. Immediately you need to see the availability of such food products as sugar, tea, coffee, condensed milk. If there are not enough of them left, then we add them to the shopping list.
Step 6
Now you need to check the availability of household goods at home. See if there is enough detergent, soap, shampoo and other household cleaning products. If necessary, add funds that are running low on the shopping list.
Step 7
The stage of going to the store has come. Buy strictly according to the list compiled by you. Minor deviations are possible only if the promotion is valid for the required product. For example, when buying 2 packs of buckwheat, the third one gets free. But remember that there should not be more than 3 such purchases. You should not go beyond the list. And in order to check if everything was bought correctly and if anything unnecessary has ended up in the basket, before the checkout, look at your future purchases and compare them with the list. Lay out all unnecessary.