Do you want to pay for your purchases, but the seller / cashier refuses to accept cash because of its shabby appearance? In order not to get into a mess, study the information on the rules for accepting damaged bills.

Banknotes are still considered solvent:
1. With small punctures, tears, cut corners and damaged edges.
2. Are bruised, worn or dirty.
3. Blacked out by hand records.
4. Burnt, but retained at least 55% of the integrity.
5. Glued with tape (but the adhered fragments must belong to the same bill).
6. With a manufacturing defect (inverted series digits and numbers, for example)
7. Blurry and pale in color.
8. Coins with minor damages (bent, filed, with small punctures, etc.), but retaining their original round shape.
If you yourself find yourself in the cashier's situation (for example, you are given change with damaged bills), you have the right to ask to replace the banknotes / coins with others, if any. However, you cannot refuse to take change in money with minor damages and demand the issuance of whole and clean bills / coins.
Banknotes and coins are not subject to acceptance for payment:
1. Having less than 55% integrity (half is torn off).
2. Glued incorrectly (the figure, numbers on the left and right parts do not match).
3. Painted with anti-theft agents (dark purple paint).
4. Banknotes with the words "sample" and bills from a joke store with a distorted denomination ("almost a hundred rubles", for example).
5. Coins with the image erased or removed by means of a large puncture.