Functions And Advantages Of Press-wall Stands

Functions And Advantages Of Press-wall Stands
Functions And Advantages Of Press-wall Stands

Video: Functions And Advantages Of Press-wall Stands

Video: Functions And Advantages Of Press-wall Stands
Video: Frame straightening with JOSAM i-press - Function 2024, October

Modern equipment for advertising production in the form of press-wall stands is a volumetric banner, which, after installation, turns into a screen used as a photo wall. Most often, such designs are in demand at festive events - weddings, birthdays, exhibitions, and so on.

Functions and advantages of press-wall stands
Functions and advantages of press-wall stands

Press-wall stands consist of a chrome-plated structure covered with a bright photo panel that can be placed both horizontally and vertically. Typically, press-wall stands display the logos of investors and partners, as well as photographs or advertising slogans.

Today, there are a large number of designs that allow you to choose this trade and advertising equipment in the desired configuration. At the same time, it can be easily disassembled and, due to its mobility, quickly folds into a small suitcase, if necessary, it is equipped with a backlight for the photo panel.

Another important advantage of press-wall stands is their exclusivity, since a corporate inscription or logo of the customer company is applied to the banner. This is done with the help of modern powerful printers, as a result of which the exposition presented on such a stand has the highest resolution and stunning image realism.

Thus, the press-wall stand allows you to beautifully decorate any room in just a few minutes - while the free space is absolutely not cluttered with unnecessary decorative elements used to decorate festive events.
