Functions And Advantages Of Roll-up Stands

Functions And Advantages Of Roll-up Stands
Functions And Advantages Of Roll-up Stands

Video: Functions And Advantages Of Roll-up Stands

Video: Functions And Advantages Of Roll-up Stands
Video: Lookup vs Rollup Fields 2024, October

Commercial and advertising equipment represented by roll-up stands is highly valued for its high compactness, as well as ease of assembly and installation, which is provided by a special technology underlying the design. Roll-Up-stands can be transported in one hand, because when folded, this equipment for advertising production is a small oblong cases.

Functions and advantages of roll-up stands
Functions and advantages of roll-up stands

These cases have built-in drum roller mechanisms and a rolled-up laminated photo panel with an image, which can be quickly removed if necessary and unfolded. Mobile roll-up stands are also equipped with small spring devices that facilitate assembly and disassembly due to the auto-roll function. It will take no more than 1 minute to install such advertising equipment, and for installation it is enough to put the stand base on a flat surface, pull out the photo panel and fix it on top. Dismantling is carried out in the reverse order, and does not even require an instruction.

The most significant advantage of roll-up stands is their unique design, which provides a perfectly even tension of the photo panel with an advertising image over the entire area of the stand. At the same time, there are no curled edges or unaesthetic waviness on it, which can often be seen on other advertising stands. Thus, roll-up stands are not only the most convenient to use, but also allow you to choose a design of a certain color, as well as a suitable shape and size for certain marketing decisions.
