“A rich person is not someone who has a lot of money. The rich is the one who has enough for everything,”says popular wisdom. But for some reason people continue to count every penny, go into debt and take out loans. To get out of the situation of constant lack of money, you must get rid of some of the habits of the poor person.

Step 1
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Surely you constantly think that you work no less, but even more than others, but still money disappears from your wallet at supersonic speed. Perhaps you even think that you are not capable of being rich, this is your fate. It is these thoughts that block financial flows. Your subconscious mind simply does not allow you to become a wealthy person.
Step 2
Stop being mean. Greed and stinginess are the main signs of a poor person. Greedy people buy low-quality things only because they have a big discount. They strive to save money everywhere and on everything. Savings are good, but it's always worth remembering that the miser pays twice. Try to buy only those things that you really need, choosing the highest quality products.
Step 3
Stop doing what you don’t love. If you don't like your job, change it. There is nothing worse when a person comes to the hated office every day, communicates with uninteresting people, eats tasteless, but supposedly healthy food, reads a boring, but fashionable novel. Not life, but a series of continuous ordeals! Don't be afraid to change something in your life. Find positive moments, concentrate on them, and gradually get rid of unloved things and deeds.
Step 4
Don't measure your happiness with money. It is unlikely that any specific amount of money will help you get out of a difficult financial situation. Most likely, these funds will be quickly and thoughtlessly spent, and you will return to where you started. For happiness, a person does not need so much. It is not necessary to “celebrate” payday with your family in a cafe, you can go outside and make a real war with snowballs or make a snowman. You will not spend a penny, and children will remember for a long time the frosty sunny day spent with their parents.
Step 5
Don't waste money on things you can't afford. For example, you wanted to buy a TV for the kitchen. A wealthy person will allocate the necessary amount from his income so that he does not have to eat only pasta until the end of the month. A poor man will take a loan, purchase the desired thing, and then for six months or a year he will pay the bank both its cost and interest on the loan.
Step 6
Try using the 10 percent principle. For each salary or bonus, give a tenth of the money to those who need it most. This does not have to be charitable donations to monasteries or orphanages (although if you feel you want to help, do so). You can give this 10 percent to your parents or invest in your education. Another 10 percent must be set aside. But not for a "rainy day", as poor people do, to the bank, at interest. In a year or two, you will already have a fairly substantial amount on your account that can be spent on rest, new furniture - in general, on what you have long dreamed of, but could not afford.
Step 7
Use a list system. Hang two sheets of paper on the refrigerator and attach a handle. All family members on the first sheet should write down what is urgently needed: the shampoo has run out, the school is collecting money for an excursion, you need to buy a couple of bulbs for the chandelier. In a week, you will get a very specific list, based on which you will plan your spending, giving up unnecessary, spontaneous and unnecessary purchases. The second sheet is long-term plans. It also needs to be compiled gradually and by the whole family. For example, a daughter wants to sign up for a yoga course, dad needs winter tires for a car, mom needs a new frying pan or a mobile phone. When you have accumulated a sufficient amount of money (of the same 10 percent set aside monthly), you will need to prioritize and there will be a real opportunity to satisfy the desires of all members of your family.
Step 8
Don't compare yourself to others. Some people are quite content with a domestic car, while others, in principle, only drive foreign cars, and still others lead a healthy lifestyle and walk part of the way to work. Everyone makes their own choice. And this does not mean that someone is right and someone is not. You have your own interesting and happy path in life. So walk along it and smile more often, as all rich and successful people do.