How To Make A Flyer

How To Make A Flyer
How To Make A Flyer

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Flyers are one of the cheapest and most widespread ways to attract a target audience, designed for the general public. However, any flyer, like any advertisement, works in different ways. The return on one ad campaign can be high, while the second, completely copied from the first, can be unacceptably low. It all depends on how you make your flyer.

How to make a flyer
How to make a flyer


Step 1

First of all, decide on the format of the sheet on which the advertising message will be presented. Different formats are acceptable for different target groups and distribution locations. So, the format of standard A4 or A5 sheets is convenient if posting will be carried out, for example, by courier to offices. If the flyer is supposed to be distributed on the street to passers-by, it is better to stay on the small A6 format.

Step 2

To make your flyer work, select the correct ad text. Often flyers sin with platitudes and boring stereotypes that do not tell anything new and interesting about the advertiser. To correctly compose such a text, ideally you need to have an idea of the basics of advertising, copywriting in the classical sense. In its most general form, the text of the flyer should have its own structure, a catchy headline, convincing advantages and nudge the reader to the desired action. However, it is better to approve the final text of the flyer after step # 3.

Step 3

The design and color are the final processing of the flyer. Design can enhance the visual impression and additionally attract attention with non-standard moves. The color of the flyer usually depends on the allocated budget and, again, on the target group and distribution locations.

Step 4

Finally, to make a flyer, you should carefully choose a firm that can be trusted to print it. The prime cost of printing services is low, while the profitability is quite high. Therefore, it makes sense to look for small firms that develop a client base and can offer more favorable prices.
