Nowadays, there are many types of advertising. As for advertising leaflets (flyers), this method of attracting customers is one of the most effective, especially for young businesses.

As you know, to promote any business it is necessary to attract as many clients as possible. If a company is young and cannot afford expensive radio or television advertising, or it cannot afford advertising in the media, flyers are the best way out.
It must be said that despite its relatively low cost, advertising leaflets are not only an effective way to declare yourself and your product, but also a very convenient solution for a potential client. A person interested in the services of an advertised company always has the most necessary at hand - a list of services provided, special offers, promotions and, of course, contacts.
What should be the flyer?
While "conjuring" over the design of an advertising leaflet, it is necessary to remember that its main purpose is to attract the attention of a potential client, therefore the design must be harmonious, the colors are balanced, and the information is presented "tasty" and no frills.
In order not to miscalculate with the design of the flyer, you need to decide on the audience of potential customers. So, if a product or service is intended for the younger generation, you can add a little “acid” colors to the overall design of the flyer. If the task is to interest middle-aged and older people, it is advisable to design the flyer not so flashy, adhering to the principle: the fewer multi-colored fonts, the better.
It is better to communicate the essence of the company's activities in large print. Smaller fonts can be used to describe special offers, promotions and discounts. With contact information (phone, fax, e-mail), it is advisable not to be smart - a simple font will be enough, without any "curlicues".
Brevity is the soul of wit
The flyer should contain only useful information, which is a brief description of the goods and services. Also on the flyer it is necessary to depict the company logo, product image, indicate all contact information.
It should be borne in mind that there should not be any "water" in the text, just as there should not be a scrupulous description of goods and services. In the end, if a person is interested, he will definitely call and clarify all the details.
The optimal text for a flyer should not contain any kind of negation ("If you call now, then …"). In addition, you need to be careful with the use of professional terms, since not everyone can understand what, in fact, the services are being discussed.