Money often goes to unknown destinations. Sometimes they leave behind heaps of purchased and completely unnecessary things. Sometimes they leave nothing behind, except for the unpleasant feeling that again not one thousand has been wasted. It's a shame: after all, the same money could be used for good.

Step 1
To spend money wisely, you first need to strain this mind well. Give your mind a task: make a calculation of funds, taking into account possible economic crises that may affect your income level. To spend money, you first need to figure out exactly how much money you have and may be in the future. Do not forget to take into account the monthly expenses on food, clothing, etc., add a few thousand (or tens of thousands: everyone here will have their own number) just in case of fire: a fire in the house, illness, broken arms or legs, road accidents and other troubles, big and the little ones that are waiting for you around the corner.
Step 2
You can spend money on anything, but remember that quality should be more important to you than quantity. A full cart of expensive liquor is bad, a cart of food that can feed the whole family for a whole week, moreover, it is good to feed tasty and satisfying food. You will still have to pay money for water and electricity if you do not want to be left without these benefits of civilization; but you need to give wisely: put up a meter and pay for the real consumption, for example, of water. Make sure that you are not cheated in supermarkets and markets, keep an eye out when you buy a product at a discount, do not give money for expired products and damaged electronics, ask the consultant to turn on a laptop or TV, explain and show everything to you.
Step 3
Don't waste money on things you don't need. In addition to a list of must-haves, make a list of what you would love to do and what will lie idle on the shelf in the closet. If your income level is average, it is hardly worth buying an expensive evening dress that you can wear only once. Of course, if you are a public person and you need to maintain an already created image, then spending money on such a dress cannot be called empty. Proceed from your capabilities, and then adjust your needs to them.
Step 4
Be careful about money. Do not hide them in places you will forget about, do not lose them, do not push them into pockets, purses, purses and hiding places. Money loves to be given the attention it deserves. There may be few of them, but they should be with you. If, through your carelessness and carelessness, you lose some amount, consider that you have spent it, but it is extremely stupid.
Try to invest your money to generate income. If you have a business streak and people you trust, start your own business or buy someone else's share. Put your money in the bank at interest. However, do not become a stingy knight: if a one-time reasonable spending brought you a solid profit, do not waste away over gold, but find a reasonable use of money.
Step 5
Remember that the smartest spending is spending on health, peace of mind, happiness, and the happiness of family members. Charity, if there is no fraud behind it, is also a smart waste. Do not be afraid to spend money on recreation, yours and your family, on health, do not save on good food, a reliable car, reliable airlines, natural materials for repairs, and so on. Remember that money is not an end in itself; there are things that are much more important than a pack of greens.