Organization of school meals is no less important task for the head of an educational institution than the educational process itself. The child spends at least half of the day at school, so eating in the canteen has a direct impact on the formation of his eating habits. High-quality lunches help to improve academic performance and improve the health of students.

It is necessary
- - normative documents;
- - staff;
- - product suppliers.
Step 1
Check out the regulations governing school meals in your area. All necessary requirements must be provided by the Department of Education. As a rule, in most subjects of the Russian Federation, a cyclical type of food and a 4-week menu are established.
Step 2
Budget school meals. The technologist must provide information on the required costs. When calculating, take into account the percentage of budget funding and income from students' parents. Consider the benefit categories of students who are eligible for free meals.
Step 3
Select suppliers of canteen products. The list of companies eligible for supply is approved by the Department of Education. It is advisable to conclude an agreement with a school food factory (if available in your city), which will provide your school with ready-made semi-finished products in a timely manner.
Step 4
Depending on the type of educational institution, determine the functionality of your catering unit. This can be a buffet that offers ready-to-eat meals, or a canteen-prepackage, equipped with a kitchen and providing hot food as a result. Become familiar with the health and safety codes required for each of these types to function properly.
Step 5
Hire staff to work in the catering unit. Appoint an employee who will monitor staff compliance with all requirements, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the dining room.