Opening a driving school is a profitable business, but at the initial stage you will have to spend a lot of money and time in order for your business to meet all the conditions imposed, first of all, by the traffic police. Therefore, before you open driving courses, soberly assess your strengths and weigh the pros and cons.

Step 1
Conduct an analysis of the educational and auto services market in your region. Find out how popular driving schools are and determine the level of competition. Draw up a detailed business plan yourself or involve specialists in its preparation.
Step 2
If you want to open a full-fledged school, and not express courses (with a minimum amount of theoretical material and practical training), then first register a legal entity (LLC) with the tax authorities, and in the MCI - the seal of your future driving school. Be sure to contact Rospatent to register the name of your educational institution, since, otherwise, you may be subsequently fined for its misuse if it turns out that an institution with that name already exists.
Step 3
Find a suitable location and area for study trips. Calculate the area of the room based on the fact that each listener will need at least 2 m², and it should be lit in accordance with the SanPin standards. It is better to rent a training site or find a sub-leaseholder, since driving schools usually agree among themselves to use the same territory for practical training at certain times.
Step 4
Buy or rent all the equipment you need. Firstly, it is a hardware and software complex for testing the psychophysical state of the driver, and secondly, dummies of car parts. In addition, you will need a set of visual aids and tutorials.
Step 5
Place advertisements in the media and on the Internet for the recruitment of teachers, trainers (with their own cars), chief accountants and technical staff. In addition, you will need to hire a medical professional to check the drivers before the practice session. Check with all applicants for documents. It is desirable that the driving experience of the instructors is at least 7-10 years without serious accidents and violations. Equip all your vehicles in accordance with the requirements of the traffic police. They must have an increased security system, all documents on maintenance, insurance, and also signs "U" ("training").
Step 6
Organize an advertising campaign to attract the attention of potential students to your driving school. To do this, at first, it will be enough to order booklets, leaflets and business cards from an advertising agency and start distributing them independently or with the help of couriers and posting ads.
Step 7
Contact the education department of your local administration and submit the following documents to obtain a license:
- application;
- notarized certified copies of constituent documents;
- an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- curricula drawn up in accordance with state standards;
- information about teachers and instructors, as well as the staffing level;
- a certificate of medical care;
- information about the provision of the school with educational equipment and teaching aids;
- information about the premises and territory for practical training (certified copies of lease or sublease agreements and certified copies of certificates of ownership);
- a document confirming the payment of the license fee.
Step 8
Receive a license for educational activities within a month, which will be valid for 5 years.