If you spent money on your own education or on the education of your children, you can return some of these funds. To do this, you need to have earnings or other income taxed with personal income tax at a rate of 13%, and pay it regularly. You will also have to complete a number of formalities and contact the tax office at your place of permanent residence.

It is necessary
- - documents confirming training and costs for it;
- - a copy of the license for the provision of educational services of the educational institution, the course in which you paid;
- - documents confirming income and tax paid from it (certificates in the form of 2NDFL) and others;
- - declaration in the form of 3NDFL;
- - application.
Step 1
The collection of documents for obtaining a tax deduction must begin from the moment of registration of relations with an educational institution. Save your tuition agreement, receipts, and payment orders confirming payment, and ask for a copy of your institution's educational license.
When paying for a child's education, keep in mind that only the person on whose behalf the payment was made can qualify for the deduction.
Step 2
At the end of the year in which you paid for educational services, collect documents confirming the receipt of income during this year and the payment of tax on it. The income received from a tax agent (employer or customer with whom you cooperate under a civil law contract) is confirmed by a 2NDFL certificate, which any tax agent must provide you upon request.
The rest of the income is confirmed by contracts, receipts, receipts, bank statements and other documents. And self-paid tax from him - receipts, checks to them or payment orders with a bank mark.
Step 3
Fill out the 3NDFL form declaration. It is best to do this using the Declaration program, the latest version of which can be downloaded from the developer's website - the Main Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
The program interface is simple.
You fill in your personal data on the basis of your passport and TIN assignment certificate.
The required information for the rest of the sections contains documents confirming your income.
You simply do not fill in the sections that are irrelevant to you.
Save the finished declaration to your computer, print and sign.
Step 4
Write to your tax office asking for a social tax deduction for tuition.
In the application, you can indicate the details of the bank account to which you would like to receive the tax due to you to be refunded.
Step 5
You can take the package of documents to the tax office in person or send it by mail.
In the first case, make copies of all papers and ask the tax office to make a mark of acceptance.
In the second, one set is enough, but it is better to send it by a valuable letter with a list of attachments and a receipt confirmation.